Chapter 13

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(Newt P.O.V)

Newt was sitting in the Goldstein's living room sketching a picture of his old thunderbird, Frank. It was quiet, he had no idea where Queenie went, and Tina was at work, who apparently, had been very late for something that she couldn't eat breakfast. Newt had been wondering for a while what it was that was so important, but he eventually gave up on guessing and decided that he would ask Tina when she returned. Newt just finished sketching Frank's head when Queenie walked into the kitchen and asked,

"Newt, do you want some tea?" Newt looked up from his drawing, surprised at the sudden question.

"Uh, yeah, sure." He set his drawing alongside with his quill and ink. He got up and sat at the kitchen table, as Queenie prepared some tea for Newt. She was silent for a moment, before she asked, "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Newt replied, hoping it had nothing to do with his thoughts and feelings. Although, he knew well enough that there was a very slim chance that it didn't involve his emotions.

"Are you and Leta still friends?" This question surprised Newt, for it was a very random topic, so he thought. He ran his fingers through his untamed hair and said, "I guess you could say we're friends." Silence. Queenie handed Newt his tea and she started to wash the dishes... by hand, he noticed, which was odd for her.

"I mean we don't talk much, nor do we see each other often." Newt continued. Queenie was silent again before she asked,

"Do you still love her?"

"No! Of course not! I don't love her!" Newt yelled, slightly aggravated at the question he was asked.

"I don't love her, I love-" but he was cut off by the sound of the Goldstein's front door opening to reveal - Tina. He didn't know what made him so willing all of a sudden to admit that he loved Tina, especially in front of Queenie. But then he began to panic -

Did she hear me and Queenie's conversation?! How much of it? Does she think I love her? I didn't say her name... but she could have guessed it! Why couldn't I have kept my mouth closed?!

He looked at her face, but she didn't look angry, sad, or anything. In fact, she seemed to have no expression at all. But she soon broke into a wide smile- no, more like a forced smile, Newt could tell it wasn't really hers- and said,

"We're going to London!" It took Newt a full two minutes for him to register what she had said, and replied,

"What?" It looked like Queenie was already drinking the story behind it from Tina's brain and eventually, she said, 

"Well, this will be loads of fun!"

"Hey wait, will someone tell me why we're going to London?"
Newt asked confused.

"We're going to find Credence!" said Queenie happily. This just confused Newt even more, and finally, Tina offered to explain.

"Let me explain." She said as she sat down across from Newt and explained how she got a mission from Madam Piquery to find Credence in London. Newt couldn't believe at first that Credence was alive, that he somehow survived MACUSA's attack. He was even more surprised at the fact that MACUSA doesn't want to kill him, considering the fact that he could be a danger to others, he could break the secrecy of the magical world, and that he practically destroyed half of New York. Maybe he hasn't attacked anybody yet... Newt hoped.

"Great! I can't wait to tell Jacob to get packing!" Exclaimed a very overjoyed looking Queenie.

"Wait, what? Queenie, we can't take Jacob with us! He could get hurt easily, considering he's... a no-maj." Tina said.

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