Chapter 23

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(Newt P.O.V)

Newt was just finishing up on checking on his creatures when he heard Tina call for him.

"Newt! Where are you?" He sat down a bucket he was holding and walked over to his shed, seeing Tina standing at the door, waiting for him. 

"Lunch is ready. Come up and eat?" She told him.

"Sure. But first..." He said, snaking his arms around her.

"But first... what?" She asked, smirking.

"First I would like to kiss you."

"Well, you never need permission to do that..." she said as she leaned forward, brushing her lips on his. He closed the gap between them, letting the presence of Tina take over his senses. They kissed passionately, not caring for any other moment in the world except for this one. Tina pulled him closer, deepening the kiss, only pulling away when they were in need of air.

"Tina... I need to give something to you." Newt had forgotten all about it and only just remembered till now, reaching into his pocket to give it to her.

"What is it?" She asked, watching him closely. Newt pulled out her golden locket, dangling it from his fingers as it reflected off the light. Tina gasped.

"Where did you-"

"Niffler." He interrupted. She smiled.

"Why am I not surprised? Well, thank you." She took the necklace from him and gave him a peck on the cheek, then said, "We should probably go upstairs now, people will be wondering where we are." She headed to the ladder, climbing up it and glancing back at him once as she went. He watched her go, attempting to comb his hair with his fingers before going up after her. He exited his room, the one right next to Tina's, and went down the stairs, entering the dining room where everyone was waiting. He sat down in an empty chair next to Tina and they intertwined fingers under the table. Queenie was the only one not there, for she had been recently taking care of Credence before she and Tina went back to New York with him. 

"Newton dear?" Newt looked up at his grandmother. 

"Are your creatures alright?" 

"Thankfully yes. A little bit hungry, that's all. No one was hurt." Newt informed, giving a little bit of a smile.

"That's good news to hear. What about you, Tina? Are you going back to New York soon?" Newt felt Tina tense up, so he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She glanced at him with thanks, then spoke, 

"Uh, yeah. We have to bring Credence back to MACUSA. I just recently sent a letter to Madam Piquery telling her about the recapture of Grindelwald and how we found Credence. She sent a letter back saying to come to New York immediately. We were planning to leave tomorrow..." Newt felt his heart sink deeper. He did not want Tina and the others to leave. And the fact that they were leaving tomorrow, just made it worse. He wished he could go with them, but he couldn't. He had responsibilities he had to take care of here, he couldn't let Bunty always take care of them by herself. 

"Newton!" This time it was his mother.

"What?" He asked, looking at her. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't been paying attention to the conversation. 

"Are you going to eat? You've barely touched anything on your plate!" Newt looked down at his plate, suddenly losing his appetite for the pasta his mother had made. 

"I-I'm not really hungry..." He told her, hoping she wouldn't argue with him.

"Oh come on! You're always 'not hungry'!" Oh Merlin, here we go...

"Hazel, let the boy be. He is a grown man." His father said. Newt looked at him, silently thanking him for interrupting before the argument carried on. Newt had never had the best relationship with his father, but he was closer to his mother, even though she could be a pain at times. 

Everyone fell silent, and soon Newt started to feel uncomfortable, wishing there was something to talk about. Suddenly Hazel cleared her throat and rose from her chair, muttering that she was going to wash the dishes as she began to levitate everyone's plates to the kitchen. Newt excused himself from the table, slipping from Tina's fingers and climbing up the stairs into his room. He closed the door behind him, sitting down on his bed as he put his head in his hands in frustration. Not only a few seconds later did he hear a knock at the door, and Tina's muffled voice asking,

"Newt? Can I come in?"

"Yes." He replied, looking up at the door as it opened. She entered, closing the door behind her and giving him a worried glance. "Are you okay?" She asked, joining him on the bed. He didn't want to worry her, so he told her,

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." He looked down at his hands, refusing to make eye contact with her.

"It's okay not to be fine, you know. I can tell you're off, you just haven't been completely yourself lately. I'm worried about you, Newt." He looked up back at her, staring into her eyes, those beautiful deep brown eyes of hers... they reminded him much of a Salamanders. He never had the guts to say that, and he never knew if he would ever get them to tell her what he thought. 

Newt hesitated for a moment, before saying to her, "I guess I'm not the best right now. It's just I feel like I finally found you again, and now you're going to have to leave."

"Why can't you come with us?"

"I would if I could, believe me, Tina. But I have responsibilities here too to take care of. I also think I have a book signing soon, which I'm not very excited about."

"I really don't want to leave. I promise that I'll come back to you, Newt. I will always come back to you." She took his hand, and he could see the tears in her eyes as she looked at him. He lifted his free hand and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, just like he had done on the docks a year ago. He pulled her close, hugging her tightly in comfort. He could feel the back of his shirt beginning to dampen, and he assumed Tina was now crying freely.

"I love you, Tina." He muttered. He felt his heartbeat increase at the fear she wouldn't say it back until she finally said,

"I love you too."


Halo guys! I know I've been gone for quite a bit, but I've just been dealing with a horrible case of writer's block on this chapter and it's super annoying. I know this is a shorter chapter, but it's kind of a filler in chapter. But LOTS OF NEWTINA FLUFF YAY I HOPE YOU LIKED IT :DD. I have really REALLY sad news though. Yes, this fanfiction will have to end. And I think the next chapter will be the very last chapter. :( CRYYYYYY it's gonna be so weird to have finished this since I started working on this in November 2018. It just feels like I've been working on it for so long and now that it's going to be done it's just weird. But I do have some good news that I will be making a sequel to this fanfic!! I made it official that I would continue this story with a second book. Please vote, comment, and have a good day/night!! 

May 7th, 2019

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