Chapter 46- Jarry?

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After I got home from Niall's I sat down on the couch and just relaxed for a moment until my phone started vibrating. I looked to see who was calling me and Harry's name was on the screen.

"Hey Harry." I answered the phone.

"Hey Lex can I ask you something?" He sounds nervous.

"Yea Haz what's wrong?"

"Well, There's this girl who I really like. She's amazing. I know she's single and I want to ask her out on a date. I just get nervous when I'm around her. It's like my mouth just stopped working." I smile as he tells me about this girl.

"Well, it sounds like you really like her."

"I do." I can tell he is smiling as he is talking to me.

"Well, ask her out." I say bluntly.

"Didn't you hear me? It's like my mouth stops working and I don't know how to talk." I roll me eyes and let out an aggravated sigh. Then an idea popped into my head reminded me of Niall. When he asked me to be his girlfriend he sang to me.

"Sing to her." I suggested.


"Yea. When Niall first asked me to be his girlfriend he sang to me because he couldn't find the words to say. You should do the same." I suggested. It seems like a good idea. Look where Niall and I are now. Yes we've had a few bumps in the road but we are still together.

"That's a really good idea. Thank you Lexie." He said excitedly.

"Your welcome." We said our goodbyes and hung up. I turned on the Telly and the news was the first thing to come on. I like the news sometimes just to get caught up with things.

"Lexie Taylor found in shop with cut scares on her wrist yelling at another women." The news anchor said. I quickly turned it off and went on twitter for a bit. So many mentions.

@love3: I support you Lexie and #Nexie. I love you

@forever3loverr: it was your choice to cut yourself. Yes it was wrong but it was your choice and I still support you. #SupportLexie.

@haterzxx: why are you guys supporting that bitch. She so fat and ugly. She should continue to cut herself and maybe she'll die. The world will be better off without her.

Why do people say things like that. That really hurt me.

@OficiallyLexie: thank you guys for supporting me. Yes it was a bad choice but it was so long ago. I don't care what the haters say about me. I am not fat, I am not ugly, and I have an amazing boyfriend and supporters behind me. I love you guy. #Lovemysupporters.

I posted the tweet and got off twitter. I checked the time it was almost midnight. I walk upstairs and took a shower and got in bed. Once my head was layer on that pillow I went right to sleep.


"Ahhhhhhhhh!" My eyes snap open to someone screaming. I quickly jump out of bed and run to where the screaming was coming from. I find myself outside Jay's bedroom. I open the door and relief washed over me when I realize nothing happened. Her phone is on the bed and she looks, happy?

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Harry." She smiled at me.

"What about Harry?" I sit on her bed.

"Look." She hands me her phone and there is a twitter video posted by him. I play the video and Harry pops up onto the screen.

"Hello everyone," he starts. "this video is dedicated to my friend Jay." He pauses and Niall comes onto the screen with his guitar they both have smiles on their faces. "Niall will be helping me with this video." Niall starts playing a familiar song. It's Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars. The same song Niall sang when he asked to be his girlfriend. The music stops and he talks again. "I would like to ask you Jay. If you would accompany me on a date this Friday and 6? Thank you for watching." He says and the video goes off.

"Oh my god. Your the girl he asked me about." Jaydea is that girl.

"What?" She furrows her brows in confusion.

"He called me last night asking how to ask a girl out and what they like and stuff. He said there was this girl and your that girl." Her eyes widened. "What's your answer?" Without answering me she picks up her phone and opens twitter. She hold up her phone to her face.

"Hey guys I just watched Harry's video and the answer is......yes! I'd love too." She smiles and posts the video. She looks at me excitedly.

"Jay there's something I have to tell you." I hate to tell her this.


"This is all really exciting but you know you will have some haters." I inform her but she looks unconfinced.

"How. I have so many fans who love and support me."

"Yes that's true but some will turn on you. Your going on a date with Harry Styles. Do you know how many girls love Harry? A lot. Some of your fans will turn on you and give you hate. They are not your real fans if they turn on you. That's what Niall taught me. And it's very true. I get hate everyday. Just be careful I don't want you to get hurt." I give my speech and look her straight in the eye.

"Thanks your amazing. I love you Lexie." She wraps her arms around me.

"I love you too."

"What happened?!? I heard screaming?" Katie runs in the room on full alert, out of breath, with a baseball bat in hand. Jay and I both laugh out loud. "What? Why were you guys screaming? Did something happen?" My sides were hurting. Katie was always late. Even when she heard us scream. We screamed like ten minutes ago and she comes in now.

Authors note: sorry for the really short chapter. Couldn't think of anything. Thank you guys for reading though. Love yall💋

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