Chapter 9- something more

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(Three weeks later)

Niall and i's relationship has increased since I met his family. We flirt with each other a lot and the butterflies I use to get turned into a swarm of them every time he does something. I haven't cut myself in a long time and I feel better. Today is my 18th birthday and Niall is taking me somewhere. Like always he won't tell me. It's 12:00 and Niall is picking me up at six.

I walk downstairs and am greeted by my parents and food on the table.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." My mom engulfed me in a hug and smiled.

"Happy birthday kido." My dad did the same.

"Are you hungry?" Does my mom really need to ask me that question. I nod and fill my plate. I had mac-n-cheese with bacon, potatoes, and different fruit. After three servings I get full. My parents tell me to go to the living room to open presents. First one I open is a shirt that says 'can you not'. The second one is a pair of vans. My last one is in a message. I open it and my parents have me the permission to date. I laugh at the gesture and thank them and hug them.

I walk back upstairs and see that it's four. I hurry and get ready. I wear my black long sleeved dress with lace detailing. I put on a skinny brown belt around my waist. My make up looks natural with a winged eyeliner. My hair is curly and down. I have on some velvet black heels and a gold necklace. When I'm done it is six and Niall is here. I walk downstairs to see my parents smiling like they know something.

"What?" They just shake their heads.

"You look beautiful. Are you ready?" I nod and tell my parents goodbye.

Niall opens his car door for me an I get in. Once he is in we pull out.

"Happy birthday." He looks at me and back at the road.

"Thanks" I blush. "So where are we going?"

"You'll see." He smirks evilly as he is driving.

The car ride was full of laughs, mostly from Niall because he laughs when he is hiding something, and music. I love his singing. He pulls over and I am blindfolded, again. This is so familiar. He helps me out and helps me walk. We stop and I am unblindfolded.

In front of me was the same lake that Niall took me to when we first kissed. I look at Niall with a big smile on my face. I can tell he is blushing and I love it when he does. There is a picnic and blanket on the sand below me. It's like he is recreating that night. We eat and he got Nandos. After we ate we talked and laughed.

"Close your eyes." He told me.


"Just do it. Please, it will be nice"

I just sighed and as I was told. I hear him ruffle around put something on his lap and it made a sound. It sounds like a guitar. He started strumming and I opened my eyes. He started playing Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

I couldn't help but smile as he sang and blushed. After the song he came closer to me.

"Lexie Rose Taylor?" He used my full name?


"Would you mind me by asking, will you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't help but smile. I grab he guitar and put it down next to us. Once it was on the ground I attacked him making him fall to the ground and started to make out with him. We both smiled into the kiss.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled and I nodded.

"What do we do now?" I asked as he checked his watch.

"We still have a little more time." He smashed his lips into mine and we made out a little more. The sparks just flew all around making me enjoy it more. After what seemed five minutes it was time to leave.

That night after Niall took me home and I got ready for bed I laid there replaying the night over and over in my head. Tonight was the night I got my first boyfriend. Just then my phone buzzed and Niall texted me.

Nialler: had and amazing time. You looked beautiful goodnight princess.

I smiled and replied

Lexie: goodnight Ni. I had the best birthday ever.

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