Chap 2.

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I woke up screaming again. 3 weeks in a row. It was another nightmare. About her. My dad bursted into the room from the screaming, "WOULD YOU EVER JUST SLEEP KLIKE THE REST OF OF US NORMAL PEOPLE!!!" he yelled. He has been this way since he found out. Cold. Distant. Angry. Mean. ...abusive. 


Today was the day I was returning to school since the accident. I can't lie, I'm kinda nervous. What are gonna people say? Are they going to stare? What will they do? Will people treat me different? Will the teacher treat me different? What if I break down? What if I fall asleep? I had to stop myself with all the questions. I got up jumped into the shower so far I has been a good day so far. Usually I see blood in the shower, not real just a hallucination from when I first showered after the accident. But I was okay today. I threw on a wrinkly t-shirt and some black jeans. I went downstairs had some cereal, up on my shoes, and ran out the door to head to school. I liked to run a lot since the accident, I had to much trouble being in a car. It was one big panic attack you could say. One time My body refused to get in one, it wasn't like trying to put a cat in the bathtub. sounds funny but extremely embarrassing  and horrifying. I got to school with 10 minutes to spare. I went to the offic first to notify them I was back in school. They gave me sympathetic looks and let me know if I need to leave a class I could. I just smiled and went on my way. "Hey dumbar" I heard a voice from behind me. He knows I hate that. "It's Dunbar" I say turning around laughing with the one and only Theo. I pretty sure I have a slight crush on him but I can't tell, but it doesn't bother me, he's a great friend. "How's it going?" he asked walking with me to my locker. "Actually today has been great so far" I smiled, a partially real one. I haven't been able to truly smile since my mom died. I'm making it so that okay right. "That good" theo responded leaning on the locker beside mine. I liked that I could talk to him like, normally. I guess he kind of understands with his whole sister situation. We just talk about life, video games, and other teenager shit until we separate for classes. I had Alegbra 1st Period. I kinda hated it but the teacher was sorta funny. Mr. K was very clumsy and often fell over during class which was the only thing I looked forward to in algebra. The period zoomed past without any interferences. I headed to Biology which I had with mason. Which wa great because he didn't treat me different after the accident. "Hey Bro" Mason greeted as I took a seat next to him. "Long time no see Mason" I replied. "Too long, we have to hang out soon." He said. "Yesss" I said dragging g out the s, "are you free tonight?" I asked, today was Monday the day my dad gets off work early and going drinking. Which is isn't  fun time for me like it is for him. "Yeah, you wanna sleepover?" He responded. "Yeah that would be awesome" I said, although I was slightly scared, I do t want him to know about my nightmares, but I don't wanna be home wih my dad.


"Okay so come over around 5, we can order pizza" Mason informed me taking out separate ways home. But I didn't go home, I went to the forest. I decided this would be a nice to place to do my homework. I found a cleared area nearby a tree and set up there. "I smell Liam" I heard Theos voice say as he popped out from behind me. I jumped slightly being too focused on homework to notice his footsteps. "Wow I scared you wolfie" he laughed. "It was only because I was focusing on my homework" I defended. "For sure Liam, for sure" he nodded. "Hey!" I shouted at him gathering my stuff into my backpack. "Whatcha doing out here anyway?" He asked. "Just chilling and doing my homework, it actually calming." I said. "Even though I could have been and animal and have ate you" theo said cocking his eyebrow. "Yeah ha ha ha" I said. I checked my watch 4:40pm. "Sorry Theo I've gotta meet Mason" I apologized. "Nah it's fine, I was just strolling." He replied no sadness coming from him, no lie.

Masons House

"Hey you cheater, no wolf powers" Mason yelled at me as I one the final game. "I wasn't maybe I'm just that good" I said proudly, because it was true. "Fine fine" Mason said defeated. "We should probably get some sleep, school" Mason said moving to his bed. I looked at the clock, 10:30pm, it read. I curled up in the spare sleeping bag Mason had kept for me. I stared at the ceiling waiting to hear mason  fall asleep, I couldn't let him find out. I wrote him a note before I snuck out the Window for the night: went for a run took my stuff Incase I got tired sorry couldn't sleep :)

I went back to the forest and found a recently fallen tree. I packed some leaves and other shit from the forest floor and made a tent. I did this twice before do my dad wouldn't yell. I looked up st the stars dreading sleep as it slowly took over me.

957 words someone be proud😂

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