Chap. 13

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I hope you guys are liking this so far :p

Theo POV (thought I give a shortish mix up)

Liam had already fallen asleep, I think. His heart wasn't at a sleeping rate, but faster than normal. I decided to ignore it because he has been acted quite weird lately. First with the sleeping in the woods, then the "beat up" or whatever happened. Whenever someone brought it up he got all anxious and scared, and then he claims he doesn't know what happened. I think he is hiding something, think, I know he is hiding something. I want to figure it out but for now he just needs me I guess. He seems calmer around me or maybe it's just because he isn't at school.

"Rrmhhqqz" Liam muttered. I sat up to look down at his spot he made on the floor. He has slept on my bed but still refuses to us it, I don't know. He was mumbling and whining, but he looked as he was sleeping. He was probably just dreaming, once in awhile Liam could talk in his sleep. Everything in the room was quiet except for him so I could hear that his heart rate picked up. I looked back to watch him, he started tossing and fidgeting, still appeared to be sleeping. Should I wake him? Was it a nightmare? Or was he just being weird Liam?

"MmOm?" Liam asked his voice strangled. Definitely a nightmare.

"MOM!" he yelled and I sprung up from the bed to wake him before things got worse. I kneeled next to him and shook him a little bit.

"Liam" I said softly.

"No no no no" he whined jerking away and rolling over.

"Liam" I said louder "wake up, come on" I rubbed his arms.

"MOM!" he yelled again and kicked me away "no, just NO NO No" I couldn't get him to wake up, he was to far in, and it was scaring me. I shook him, rattled him, yelled in his ear, didn't everything I could think of, he was just going to have to wake himself up. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I  sorry" he cried, making me cried. I locked him in my arms to keep him from getting hurt from all his wriggling, but he fought me more. I had to keep him still so he would maybe calm down. I wasn't working well.

"I SAID SORRY JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I couldn't help to let tars escape from my eyes knowing that I couldn't help him.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" he was writhing and started yelling. I pulled him up like a baby in my lap and held him to my chest to get his heart beat down, he was going to wake himself up soon. 

"AHWNSHHSJHGGHH" he woke up gasping and grasped my arms.

"Hey, it was just a dream, you're okay" I reassured him, running circles on his back. 

"I'm sorry" He said looking up at me wih his tear stained, horror wretched, cute little face.

"No it's really okay" I said and just gave him a hug.


Liam's POV

I had woken up in a sweat to find myself in Theo's arms.

"Hey, it was just a dream, you're okay" he said rubbing circles on my back soothingly. 

"I'm sorry" I said looking up and seeing his tears face, I most have scared him. Probably another nightmare where I can't wake up until I do myself.

"No it's really okay" He said giving me a small smile beforehand pulling me close for a hug. I hope I didn't say anything to reveal my dad abusing me. We didn't talk for awhile and I was still shaking and shaken up. It felt more real than all the other dreams, nightmares, I've ever had. I wouldn't have been surprised if I woke up in my dad's house. 

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" Theo spoke up.

"Thank you" I smiled, really.

"If you want you can take a nice long hot shower to calm you down" Theo offered. At this point I wasn't going to turn it down.

"That sounds nice, thank you so much" I accepted as we separated. 

"You know where everything is, and if you need to feel free to borrow any clothes" He said leaving to room for me. 

It's going to be an exhausting day.

bye loves

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