Chap. 4

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School was okay today, I mean normal for school. Today I had to return home, my dad will probably be mad at me for not coming home last night. Being honest I'm scared if he will be mad or not remember. 

"Why do you reek?" Scott's voice said from behind me.

"What?!" I said turning around.

"You smell horrible, is it fear?" He replied.

"No, just sweat...thanks" I said making my way away towards the way home.

"Oh well, do you need a lift?" He offered.

"Nah, I like a good job after school" I smiled and picked up pace waving bye. That was very awkward, I kinda feel bad for blowing off Scott, but my dad wouldn't want me to be given a ride. I jogged the rest of the route home and made it on time. I walked in the door to meet my dad.

"Good Afternoon, Dad. How was your day?" I greeted poilitly as possible. 

"Cut with the crap soN" he snarled, "Why didn't you come home last night, and Who's clothes are those" he demanded.

"I went to a friends house for a project and studying, we fell asleep, and he lent me some clean clothes, which I will return as soon as possible" I replied with no hint of a lie.

"Are you sureee, you wouldn't lie to me would you" He questioned advancing toward me.

"No I would never" I replied flinching.

"But I think you are" he said bringing up his hand.

"I promise I'm not" I said pulling back slightly. But he never hit me, he put his hand over my heart. 

"You son if a bitch! You ar lying!" He yelled and smacked me across the face. 

"I-I-I'm sorry" I stuttered. 

"No dinner! And if you make anymore sounds then you go in the basement tonight!" He yelled hitting me once again. He dragged me by the hood into living room. He repeadly hit me in the face. I tried my best not to make a sound, the basement wasn't finished, just cold hard floor, it was the coldest area of the house, and no light could be found down there. Someway I knew I would be down there tonight because he knows all the spots that hurt me the most.  He shoved me onto the ground harshly and kicked me in the stomach. He just kept kicking my stomach trying to get a noise. He took me by the collar and picked me up slightly and slammed me back down sever times. He stood above me, took his foot and drove it into my shoulder which my made me involuntary whimper. 

"I told you to be quiet boy" He evilly laughed. "Basement for you, and extra beating"

"You'll be beat, I will have to call you out off school, because you won't be able to cover it up" he smiled.

He picked me up and threw me into the wall. He walked over and smashed my legs a few times. You dragged me back up the wall by my hair and took some punches to my face, probably giving a nasty black eye. Which seemed like hours later he dragged me down into the basement and threw me hard onto the floor. 

"I will bring you a change of clothes for the morning, and your phone, but I'm turning off the WiFi and Data" he said taking the stairs. He quickly returned with the items.

"I want you out of the house by 5am" he said before giving me one last kick and leaving. I checked the time 9:30pm. I should sleep I'm exhausted. I set and alarm for 4:15am,4:30am, and 4:45am. Just to be sure. I have not started healing yet, due to a harsh long beating. It want too bad down here as in terms of cold, since I had Theo's sweater. I curled into a ball and breathed in his scent and slowly but surely drifted into sleep. I didn't have any nightmare that night.


I woke up to my alarm and unpleasantly surprised that I haven't healed yet. I was concerning for my since my injured were quite bad and would be hard to manage with now. I slow and painfully stripped and put on the clean clothes and layered Theo's hoodie back on. Right as I finished my 4:30 alarm went off. I turned it off quickly and turned off my next alarm, deciding to leave earlier to go to Deaton's. I trudged up the basement stairs and out the front door. It was 4:45, I made it. It was still pretty dark out, but I could manage. I took the route through the woods to not risk many people seeing me. I also took the odd route to keep away from any stray Theos'. I arrived around 5:30, and I felt like Hell. The sign said closed which was quite a relief for the time. I just barely force deep open the door and dragged myself in.

"The sign said clo-" Deaton said walking in to see me.

"Oh my Liam come back here" he motioned me back. I was quite slow on working my way back there so he helped me quite a bit. 

"What happened to you?" He said with sadness in his eyes as he examined me.

"Well this, and I won't heal, or haven't, but it's been around 7 hours I think" I told him, making sure to leave out my dad.

"Well the causes for not healing, or not healing fast are, :poison, an Alpha, or something emotional" He explained. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm not poisoned and ask don't think it was an Alpha" I said. 

"Well to make sure on the poison behalf" He said taking a blood sample. He came back sometime later

"Well your not poisoned so that is good, Do you remember what happend" He said.

"I think I was beat up by some kids from school, I don't remember that much, I work, up in the woods, but I have an idea of what happend" I lied. 

"Do you want me to call Scott" he asked.

"No, I just want to deal with this on my own for once" I said quickly explaining/lieing .

"Alright, but I want you to come in everyday to check how you're healing, and if you need anything else call me" He said, "I will just patch you up quick."

"Thanks Deaton" I thanked giving a smile. 

I left the clinic and went back out I got the forest. I quickly texted my dad asking when he wanted me home, waiting for a response. 30 minutes later he responded: sunday 2:45PM, don't be late, don't be too early

Today was Wednesday, I felt relief wash over me. I guess he was tiredness of me as much as I was tired of him. BING it was a text from Theo

Theo: hey why aren't you at school:( 

Me: got hurt, I'm in bad shape, I'm taking the day off, please don't tell scott :)

Theo: Alright, do you want me to pick you up, and help ya out

Me: that would be great, but you're in school 

Theo: I can't skip Its perfectly okay, you can't argue

Me: okay, meet me at the cross road whenever:)

Theo: alright see ya

I was about 20 minute away for the he crossroad, and so was school, but he had to get out of class somehow so I guess I got time. I just trudged through the forest, it hurt so bad. Everything did. I could feel my wounds starting to bleed again making me light headed. I took a break and sat down for a moment. My breath was ragged. Everything from last night was coming back, it was almost like I could feel him beating me again. Everything started getting spinny, so I moved to lay down. I felt like death again. 

Theo: where ya at?

Me: woods, just come find me 

Ps already went to Deaton so that is taken care of

Theo: ok :/

Around 10 minutes later he found me.

"Oh Liam" Theo gasped taking a look at me. He quickly scooped me up and carried me back to his truck. My eyes got droopy and I couldn't fight it and I fell asleep on the wya to his house.

Thanks for Reading

bye loves

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