Chap. 14

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Okay this is getting confusing with what day it is and I'm starting to confuse myself so I'm going to put the days from now on.

its going to be an exhausting day.


I had taken a shower a Theo's and he got us to school. Sometimes I hate Fridays, because school days are shortened and my dad has friends over. Depending on his mood I can go out or stay home. I like to trick him when he is drunk even if it backfired on me the next day. 

The school day went by like a blur and next thing I knew I was saying my goodbyes and heading home. I didn't see my dad's car in the driveway as I arrived home. I know you would think that's awesome, but that means I have work today. I walked in took of my shoes, picked them up and went into my room. I put my shoes away along with my backpack. I went back into the he kitchen to look for a note from my dad.

Be home at 4:30pm you better be done!

It's was 4 at the moment, better get to work. I dried all the wet dishes, cleaned some from the sink. I vacuumed and dusted. I cleaned the fridge and the freezer. I organized my dad's coat rack and fixed up the shoes that were lazily spewn out. I pocked up the trash around the house. Lastly I cleaned my room.

The front door opened with a loud bang and I flinched. 

"LIAM!" he shouted and rushed to greet him.

"Hi Dad, how was your day?" I greeted and took his coat hanging it up.

"Oh it was wonderful, until I saw your face. But I guess I  feeling generous on the beautiful Friday, you can leave the house tonight at 11:45pm. And come back Saturday afternoon or Sunday, I'm not sure yet." He said walking into the kitchen inspecting every detail on his way.

"Look at all these tallies, I'm to tired to finish them today, so I will add another one just for fun" He said putting up another tally. "But it doesn't mean you should till won't get anything" he turned around smirking. He came at me quick knocking me to the ground. I held my shoulder where he hit wincin.

"Did that hurt, oops" he laughed picked me up and pulling his fist back going for my face. I flisnhed before anything happened, I never felt the punch just heard him laugh. I opened my eyes and he socketed my eye and dropped me on the ground, that will leave a mark. He kicked at me missing the first time going even harder the second times. I felt bruises trickle my abdomen.

"Okay I'm tired, go to your room, my friends are coming over and then we are heading out at 11:30" he told me "go run off" he shoved me hard knocking me over. I scurried to my feet and whimpered off to my room. I closed the door silently and flopped onto my bed. ugh. My eyes hurts and my body aches. I went over to the mirror, a pretty nasty black eye I had. It made me sick to my stomach. I hated this. I put on the new pair of clothes since mine current outfit was battered and bloody. I just lounged around my room, played some games on my phone, even studied until I heard my dad leave. Inpacked a bag for the night not knowing where I was going tonight. My head throbbed, I checked the mirror again. Still pretty nasty but not as bad as earlier. I guess it's time for another visit with Deaton. 

Saturday (technically it is since midnight and all)

I arrived at Deaton's hoping he would still be here, he gave each of the pack a key just in case we needed to get inside when he is out. The sign said closed but I could see the light in the back on. I walked in.

"Who?" Denton asked still being in the back.

"Liam" I said back.

"Oh okay, come back here" He laughed. I walked back and into his exam room an all too familiar place. 

"Woah there Liam! What happend?" He asked coming over to get a closer look.

"I don't know exactly, but I had another hole incident and hit my face" I lied, but Denton would never know. 

"It was pretty bad when I first got it and it's healed a wee bit in the past few hours" I said.

"Well don't know why you wouldn't heal because it's a hole, so maybe we could run your blood and see if there is any poison in your system" Deaton suggested. I wasn't to protest because I don't want the truth given out, and I want to know why I'm not healing. It can't be emotional because I'm used to this kind of beating. Even if I don't like needles I can handle them if that means keeping my secret safe. I don't think I breathed through the hole process, and I don't think he noticed. 

"I will be right back" Deaton said running into one of the other back rooms. I swung my feet back and forth, sometimes I forgot that I'm actually quite short, I mean  I don't know how 'cause everyone always teases me about it. 

"Alrighty kiddo" Deaton said walking back in the room.

"It is a natural herb that completely slows the process of healing, and it can effect any supernaturals, but it is very rare here, or anywhere. And the thing is it seems to have been in your system for more than a few hours maybe a day or so." He explained.

"Oh?" I questioned I don't really know how I could of gotten this.

"Same here, if this happens again let me know and then we can investigate, otherwise I can't do much. I'd say put some ice on it and leave it be. Also you should heal  in human time, although this would effect humans more since you have healing "powers" it just makes you normal I guess" Deaton said giving me a bag of ice and heading me for the door.

"Alright thanks for the help" I thanked him.

"Ah no problem have a good night" he said.

"You too, goodbye" I waved leaving. 

bye loves

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