Chap. 19

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im tired

Liam POV

I packed up the little I had so I could leave with Theo immediately when he gets here, this place brings back horrible memories. It was okay while others were here but when I'm alone it all comes back, I did have nightmares last night but I didn't wake up screaming, thankfully. 

The past days have been rough. It's still sort of foggy, but the doctors say that is normal. I'm stealing healing like a human, but soon enough I should be back to normal, hopefully. It's hard to move with crutches as well as a broken hand. In my opinion I don't need the crutches the boot (I know I said cast last chapter but I changed it now oops) does fine, doctors insist. 

I didn't think about it much till now, but I probably will have to take some vehicle. I should face my 'fear' or whatever, as long as I have Theo I'm sure I will be fine. Theo makes me feel safe. He makes me happy too, more than anyone else. I get nervous around him a lot but it's gotten better as we got closer. I've always had a tiny crush on him, since forever, but I'm not even sure it's only a crush anymore. Theo has good looks I must say but that is not all, it's who he is and how he makes me feel. I think this is what love is.

I know this is what love is.

I love him.



"Come on in" I say, guessing it is Theo and he could hear me through the door.

"Good Morning" Theo said cheerfully.

"Goodmorning too you as well" I smiled, a true smile.

"You ready to get out of this place" Theo laughed, one of my favorite sounds.

"Hell yeah" I say laughing with him. We make our way out waving to Melissa and heading to Theo's truck when we stop.

"I can carry you home if you want?" Theo offered.

"No, I need to this, I can't not go in a car for the rest of my life. My mom wouldn't want that" I said, I can do this. Theo grabbed my stuff and put it in the back seat along with my crutches. I stood at the door for the passenger seat with Theo, I could do this. Theo put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me.

"I can do this" I smiled looking back at him as a smile formed on his face.

"Lemme help you get in" he said opening the door and giving me a hand. 

"Thanks" I say taking a big breath, I GOT INTO THE CAR! Theo ran and jumped in the driver seat. He started up the car and we sat for a moment.

"You ready?" He asked. I placed my hand on his.

"Ready" I said, I felt safe now, I had theo. He started up and drove away. I was okay. It wasn't even bad. I think the most part that helped me do this was Theo.

"Do you need to stop your house for anything?" Theo asked at the stop sign before the street for my, well my dad's house. I did need my basic stuff.

"Yeah" I said, and he drove down the street. He worked the car in my drive and helped me out of the car. Before stepping into the house I intertwined our hands, but didn't look at him. Walking in and not having to do anything is weird. It felt wrong, but it felt so good. I lead Theo to my room without looking up st anything. I heard Theo's heart rate pick up and so stopped.

"It's over now, for me, I'm safe now, and I owe it all to you" I said looking up into his eyes, which were Teary. I saw that the house still wasn't cleaned up and my blood was matted in places. 

"I know, but it hurts to see this, it hurt to see you hurt" Thei said almost crying making my eyes begin to water.

"Theo..." I couldn't say anything.

"I care about you so much more than you know, you mean everything to me" he said.

"You mean everything to me" I told him, it was true. I can't belive this is happening, I can't believe theo felt this way.

"I love you Liam" 

"I love you Theo" we said at the same time. We laughed. We hugged each other deeply with so much emotion. It felt like it was only me and Theo and nothing else. We slightly pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. His eyes drifted to my lips and back to my eyes a few times. He slowly leaned in, he wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him. I tiptoed and connected our lips. It felt like what the movies show, it feels like time stops all around you. It was the most amazing and wonderful thing to kiss Theo, feel his lips on mine. We pulled away for air smiling at each other with big grins.

"Why don't we get your stuff now" Theo smirked.

"Y-y-yeah" I said getting a little flustered. I stumbled to my door with Theo's hand in mine and found it was locked. What a bitch, my dad of course. I was still weak from this whole thing and turned to Theo for help.

"It's locked and I can't open it" I said feeling my face flow with red with embarrassment.

"Don't worry BabyWolf, I got it" Theo said with yet another smirk. The nickname was cute. He opened the door forcefully with his chimaera' strength. I walked in to not the prettiest sight. Almost an outline of my body in blood was on my floor. I ignored it quick and grabbed the essentials and stuffed them in a bag. I didn't have much stuff to begin with so I guess I did bring most of my belongings. I left my alarm clock and that silly stuff, but otherwise all I had was the things I need. 


We got back to Theo's place

"Make yourself at home" Theo said wih a smile.

"Thanks" I said putting my bag on the floor. Theo walked over and pulled me into a hug. It felt amazing to be in his embrace. We stayed there and began to say after some time. We pulled our heads away, while remaining in each others arms

"Do you want to stay in my room?" Theo asked his cheeks turning a shade of pink, which was adorable. 

"Of course" I said pecking his lips, then pulling away and taking my stuff upstairs.

I got my stuff back! 

Hope you enjoyed

Bye loves

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