Chap. 7

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hi I'm back

Theo woke me up outside of the clinic, but thank god not in his truck. I was still a bit woozy but I could manage. The clinic said closed so hopefully this was a good time. Theo opened the door all wolfy and helped me in. 

"Oh hey kids" Deaton said popping his head out from the back.

"Soo how you feeling liam?" Deaton asked.

"Better then last time, but still very weak. Also the bruises are fading away quickly" I said.

"Well you seem to be healing nicely, but slowly, nothing seems out of the sorts, so you are good to go and return to school soon please" he said laughing to the last part. We all exchanged goodbyes and Theo and I headed out. 

"Do you want me to knock you out again?" Theo asked in the nicest way possible.

"Uhrm...Yeah" I said rubbing my temples from being knocked out earlier. 

"We can ask Deaton to knock you out with something so I don't have to physically do it" Theo suggested.

"Yeah, but I don't really want to explain it" I mumbled.

"It's okay too, he will probably understand" Theo said rubbing my shoulder reassuringly.

"Alright" I gave in and we walked back in.

"Again?" Deaton laughed seeeing us.

"Well. Uhm. Well. Ya see. Uh-" I started but I couldn't do it.

"Do you have anything that could just knock Liam out for about 20 minutes?" Theo blurted for me.

"A matter of fact yes, but why?" Deaton asked with a confused look.

"i don't go well with cars." I said looking down.

"Oh...okay, come on back" Deaton said understanding, everyone knows what happens with my mom.

"Theo, you pick Liam up as you will to carry him" Deaton instructed. 

"Okay" Theo said picking me up bridal style. Deaton went over to the other side and shifted through some bottles and picked one up and walked over to a cannot and pulled out a needle. I knew that probably how he would have to do it. It's not that I wa childish and scared of them, it was because of my dad. I felt my heart sped for a moment and just slowly focused it back to normal. Theo probably noticed without a doubt, because he started rubbing circles on my shoulder. 

"This stuff is practically harmful, just gives a good knock out and will keep a werewolf down for 20-30 minutes" Deaton said walking over, "it works pretty much immediately" he finished. He came over and cleaned a spot on my arm and I jetted the stuff into me. Almost immediately I started feeling drowsy. And last I heard was Deaton saying hurry for the truck.

 It was cold, windy and dark out. All you could see was the tree shadows and the yellow and white lines of the road. I was laying down over on the side. I stood up and there was no cars for miles around not even a sound. I was very quiet barely even and owl or a any animal. I started walking north maybe who knows. I felt like I was walking forover until I came to a sign that read, now leaving Beacon Hills, i must have been going the wrong way. If I left there was no where to go, so I turned around and headed back. I didn't have my phone so I had no clue of the time or how long ive been walking. After awhile I spotted headlight coming up and I stepped into the side to the road to be view able. The car took a slow stop and pulled up next to me and rolled the window down.

"Oh my god Liam where have you been!?!" It was my mom.

"I don't know, I just woke up here" I said tearing up.

"Oh honey, It's okay, hop in" She said. I popped the door open and hopped in.

"I don't know mom, I'm sorry" I apologized

"Don't worry about it it's fine" she said starting to drive again. Going the wrong way.

"Mom, Beacon Hills is the other way" I said confused.

"I know" she said darkly, speeding up.

"Mom slow down" I raised my voice. 

"It's all your fault" she spchanted going faster and faster.

"MOM SLOW DOWN" I yelled grabbing onto the car.

"IT ALL YOUR FAULT LIAM!!!" she screamed looking st me a turning off the road to the forest.

"MOM STOP" I yelled seeing we were heading full force for a tree.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed but suddenly I wa on my couch, but I continued screaming. I saw Theo running into the room coming over to me. 

"Liam!?" Theo said slightly scared/worried. I continued to scream still frightened.

"hey..." Theo said grabbing me and pulling me to his chest, starting to sway back and forth and petting my hair soothingly. I slowly started to calm down, out of breath. I didn't say anything at all, I just leaned back into him sighing. I reached up running my temples from the smal, headache that appeared. I usual got one after a night mare;terror. 

"Are you okay?"Theo asked from behind me.

"I am now" I said my voice shaky still. 

"Okay" he said quietly. We just stayed there for some more time maybe even an hour. He helped me and it was comforting for him to be there. I felt better having him with me, I don't ever want to leave. And Inknow that sounds crazy, but there is something about Theo, I don't know.

Sorry this one wasn't as long, but I busted my finger so it slightly hurts to type but I'm all good. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed.

Bye loves

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