Chap. 15

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I'm tired yeeksh.


I was walking childly along the side of the road when I felt cold wet drops start splattering on my head. Great now it's going to rain. Lucky me. 


Hey can I come over again?

Sorry to invite myself.



It's no problem really I was about to invite you over myself


Thanks a bunch

Be there in like 15-20  minutes


See ya then😊

I hope that I'm better at lying with werewolves now. Theo might know something is up if I can't keep my heart steady. Also weird he has never asked about my heart rate when we hang out, I get nervous around him sometimes. I don't understand why I would get nervous around him, he is like my best friend. 

I knew I looked horrible the rain had more than likely flattened my hair. On my over it had started to pour and now my outfit is soaked and probably some items in my bag. Oh well. 


I'm here


alright I will be right there

"Woah there, you are a mess" theo greeted.

"Hello to you too" I smile shaking my head. I stepped in but didn't go any further since I was soaked and I don't want to drag water around his house. I slipped off my shoes. 

"Hold on, I will get you some towels to dry off, then you should shower you smell like wet dog" theo laughed during the last part.

"Well Thank you, I'm blushing" I joke as he runs off to get some towels. He rushed back and draped a towel over my back. 

"Thanks" I smile taking the towels. I completely dried off before advancing into his house. I already knew where everything was, so I navigated the house quite easy.


I got out of the shower and took the clothes Theo lent me since mine were soaked, even the ones in my bag. I went back downstairs with my hair still wet, but it wasn't dripping. I went into to kitchen to see my bag laid out and Theo using his blow dryer on everything.

"I put your clothes in the dryer" Theo said looking up at me.

"You didn't have to do that" I replied.

"It's not a problem, your all good" he smiled turning the blow dryer Andy proceeding to unplug it. He put everything neatly back in my bad and set it on the kitchen table. 

"Thank You" I said for another time to night, I really did appreciate it. He flashed a smile.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Being honest the whole rain thing pooped me, so maybe some movies" I said sweetly. I was tired, but not from the rain. 

"Sounds great!" Theo chimed.

"Also what happened" he said brushing black eye. I flinched and stepped back, the stepping back was mostly unintentional I barely even noticed I did it.

"Well you see" I started to laugh to help cover up the lie, "I had another incident with a hole" I shook my head and kept laughing.

"Really?" He laughed

"Yeah" I replied.

"When?" He asked.

"Maybe 4 or 5 hours ago I don't know for sure" I said.

"Why hasn't it healed" he asked inspecting it with his eyes. 

"I had that same question so I went to Deaton and he told me that I had a natural herb in my system that slows down healing. It's not like a poison, and it effect anyone even supernatural. And since I have already healing powers from being a wEReWoLf  I'm just going to heal as a human would" I explained.

"Wow, how that happen" he asked.

"I don't know, and the herb or whatever is extremely highly rare" I explained some more.

"Weird" Theo said walking over and shifted through movies.

"Which one?" He asked.

"Do random" i chirped.

"All right" he said closing his eyes and moved his hand and took a movie.


"That's a good one" I said.

"yep" he popped the disk in and plopped down next to me bouncing me slightly. Wow I must have lost some weight. 

The movie started and we quickly paused as we weren't prepared. 

"We need SUPPLIES" Theo announced getting up and running into the kitchen to leave me to go after him. We were getting food and just started messing around, and I ended up slipping. Theo caught me around my mid back and stomach area. It shocked me as pain shot through were he touched me causing me the involuntary push him off landing on my butt, as a let out whimper, but not from falling on my butt. I didn't get up for a moment and just breathed.

"Hey you okay?" Theo said offering a hand.

"Yeah I just need a moment" I said taking his hand slowly. He gently pulled up but I let out a quiet whimper from the pain. 

"Let see if anything is wrong" he said and pulled up my shirt.

"Woah" Theo gasped. I looked down and saw some small bruises on my stomach.

"What?" I said swift ig over my stomach.

"No your back" he said pulling my shirt over my head making me move quickly. Then I noticed where the most pain was coming from.

"Sorry" Theo said taking my hand, leading me somewhere. We walked down the hall to a mirror. I turned around and looking in the mirror. Big nasty bruises danced over my back. I didn't know what to say so I just gasped.

"That's really weird, it didn't hurt earlier" I said as we returned to the kitchen.

"Maybe the fall sparked it, I'm not sure" theo said handing my my shirt. I pulled back on cursing. 

"Let's put some ice on that" he said going to the freezer. He pulled out a big ice pack and set it on the counter. We got our popcorn(and food) and needed blankets. I sat on the couch as Theo brought me the ice pack and gently put it over my mid back. I shivered as the cold touched my spine. Theo came over and sat down next to me pulling the blankets over us. I would say and ice pack on your back is the worst because it makes you the coldest more. Is that even a word. I shivered a little bit but tried to conceal it from Theo. 

"Here, I'm warm" Theo smiled and draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me in. He was completely right, he emitted warmth. I kinda knew it was a chimera thing, and werewolves are generally warmer to the touch, and werecoyotes I think. 

"Thanks" I smiled. We continued the movie until we drifted to sleep cuddled together.

hope you enjoyed, sorry it been a few I had a long weekend

The next update might not be in exactly 2ish days like most of my updates have been,  I just need a day for myself, my mental health isn't the best but I'm dealing. Thought I would let you know

bye loves

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