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First Chapter, enjoy

Hello! So if you're just reading this story, I thought I should tell you that I'm rewriting this and if you would like to skip right to the rewritten story, then go to chapter 7. If not, then feel free to read what's here if you want! Bye bye now! 💜


Jimin blushed a light pink as he watched his crush of two years wipe sweat from his forehead.

Jeon Jungkook. Tall, Handsome, rich, popular, everything anyone would want in a man. Specifically  Park Jimin. Especially Park Jimin.

He was currently at one of Jungkook's basketball games, cheering for his one true love in the stands. He watched as Jungkook took a long drink from his water bottle, biting his lip at the other's Adam apple bobbing up and down.

Jimin loved the way sweat gleamed on his beautiful tanned skin, how he brushed his silky brown hair to the side constantly. He loved Jungkook's obsidian black eyes that used to look at him so gently.

They had met in their last year of junior high. Jungkook was new to the district and Jimin had been assigned to show him around, it was the best day of his life.

At the time, Jungkook has been so kind to him. He was funny as well, cracking jokes all the time. Jimin fell in love almost instantly.

But the day after, Jungkook had made his ring of friends, which also happened to be Jimin's bullies. With his luck, who would be surprised?

He was forgotten in the younger's mind, Jungkook even going as far as helping his bullies beat him up. But Jimin couldn't help but still love the handsome transfer student. It's not his fault that his heart is so weird like that.

He's always been a sap for juicy love stories and was a strong believer of love at first sight, and he's been in love ever since.

Which is why he plans to confess. Today.

"J-Jungkook?" Jimin asked timidly. He stood in front of his crush and their friends, all of them watching him like a hawk. It did nothing to calm his nerves.

"Ah, It's the nerdy bitch! Just in time, I need to you to grab us food." Kim Taehyung, Jimin's bully since middle school sent him a smirk. Jimin gulped, but stayed silent and only looked at Jungkook.

"What is it? The fuck you looking at?" Jung Hoseok, the other devil that haunts his life. Jimin sighed, he could feel his body shaking. What was he doing?

"J-Jungkook? Can-can I talk to y-you? In-in Private?" Jimin stuttered out. The other two started laughing and patting their youngest on the back. They all knew about Jimin's little crush. Ever since Jungkook joined them, Jimin looked more happy to do their bidding and always did everything they asked. It earned Jungkook the title "the Golden maknae" And "the nerd whisperer."

"Anything you have to say to me, can be said in front of my friends." The younger glared daggers at Jimin. He gulped, trying to swallow his nervousness. It was now or never.

"I-I love you! I've had a crush on you since we first met! You were so kind and funny and handsome and I don't know what to do with myself and I just really like you! I love you Jungkook!" Jimin panted, he did it. He confessed! A small smile graced his lips, proud at his own confidence.

That confidence was shattered however, when Jungkook did nothing other than laugh at him.

"The fuck you want me to do about it? You think I'd like some ugly bitch like you? Fucking unbelievable." He took a moment to fix Jimin with a cold stare. "It's not my fault your pathetic heart falls in love so easily. This isn't some crappy romance drama, now get lost."

Jimin stood there, shocked. He didn't comprehend what the other said until the group was down the hallway. Without thinking, Jimin whirled around, cupping his hands around his small mouth.

"B-but I really do love you!"

Jungkook turned at that, anger flashed in his eyes. Jimin gulped from down the hall.

"No you don't. Didn't you hear me? I hate pathetic wastes of space like you."

"B-but Jungkook, I'd die for you!"

"Than go ahead and die. You'll be doing the world a favor."

Jungkook ignored the look of hurt in the broken boy's eyes. He scoffed at the loud wails coming from Jimin.

He walked with his friends, who were uncharacteristically quiet. They finally reached a convenience store and they all got ice cream to celebrate their win.

"You know Jungkook... that was a bit harsh." Hoseok muttered under his breath. Jungkook just looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"The guy spilled out his heart and soul for you, and you tell him to go kill himself." Taehyung finally said. He couldn't believe the midgit had actually confessed to Jungkook. It had been a running joke for years, how Jimin would always get squeamish around Jungkook.

"I never asked for that, honestly just thinking about it makes me lose my appetite." Jungkook scoffed, tossing his half eaten cone in the dumpster. "That's not what you were saying last year. Or the year before that." Taehyung scoffed under his breath.

The taller froze when he was met with Jungkook's glare. "Don't you dare." He scowled. Both Taehyung and Hoseok gave him a sly grin.

"That little nerd is so cute! Why won't he just confess already?" Taehyung fake fainted into Hoseok's arms, quoting Jungkook from two years ago. The two laughed as Jungkook continued to glare at them. Yeah he had a crush on the nerd, but that was a while ago. As well as a big mistake.

"You two need to shut up!" He growled, he didn't need that reminder. But he couldn't help but think back to the broken boy on the floor of the locker room. He groaned, trying to get the image out of his head.

"Anyways, do you think he'll be okay?" Hoseok asked. "What do you mean?" Jungkook looked at his friend questioningly. "Dude. You literally told him to go kill himself, and no offense, that was probably the last thing you should have said to someone who just got rejected the way he had." Hoseok told him pointedly.

Jungkook felt a stab in his chest, but shrugged it off. "You think that whimp would actually take his life? He's too much of a scaredy cat." Jungkook was trying to convince himself more than his friends.

But none of them could brush off the bad feeling they were getting.

And for a good reason, as one broken hearted Park Jimin stood on the outside of the railing of a bridge, staring down at the rapid black waters.

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now