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Here's chapter 2 of the remake! Enjoy! Sorry for any errors!

"Jungkook I would die for you!"

"Then go ahead and die."

Those words were a never ending echo in his mind. What Jimin thought would end happily turned into a nightmare.

All the hope he has mustered up this morning had vanished with those five cruel words. And now he stood, atop the railing of a tall bridge with the cold wind cutting at his face. Jimin felt devoid of emotion as he stared unseeingly down at the black ripples below him.

What had he ever done wrong? What caused his crush to hate him so much? Icy tears left trails down his paled cheeks.

Jimin inched closer to the edge, leaning slightly, deciding to let gravity do its own work. A small thought in the back of his head fantasized the future with out him, Jungkook waking up to the news stating: Young High School Boy, Jumped Off Bridge Last Night.

He fantasized of what his crush's reaction would be. If Jungkook would think back to his words before, maybe-

"A bit cold out for a swim, don't you think?"

A deep voice murmured softly behind him, Jimin turned, forgetting his tear stained face as he saw a handsome young man looking out at the waters below.

He wore a blue beanie, but his bleached locks were still evident beneath it. Small triangular eyes glanced at him with a sense of calmness, a little bit of caution.
He was pale, like Snow White, but that didn't make him look any less attractive.

Of course Jimin, being on a depressed high said the most dumb thing ever,

"Are you an angel?"

Warmth spread through him and he covered his face as he realized exactly what he said, but to Jimin's surprise, the stranger didn't laugh or make fun of him, he simply smiled.

"I'd like to think so, but my friends often think I'm the devil spawn sometimes." That made Jimin smile slightly. "My name is Min Yoongi, your's?" He asked politely. The name sounded strangely familiar, like he knows it well, but Jimin sent the thought away and answered instead.

"Jimin, Park Jimin." 

"Jimin..." Yoongi hummed, causing Jimin to blush further. A cold fish of wind brought him back to the task at hand and his smile fell once again.

"You shouldn't try and stop me..." the brunette muttered.

"I'm not."

Jimin froze, not expecting that.

"But you should know, if you jump, I'd be obliged to jump after you." The blonde continued, walking closer to Jimin.


"Because I'm you're angel sent to save you from your own stupidity."

Jimin blinked once. Then twice.

"Or the devil forcing me to stay in a world where love can't exist." Jimin stared back.

"How can you know Love doesn't exist if you haven't checked everywhere." Yoongi replied. In the time they were talking, the other had gently brought Jimin back from
the railing and safely on sturdy ground. The brunette being too mesmerized with the calm manner they managed to keep up despite the situation. It was almost as if they were quoting poetry back to each other.


Jimin felt a sudden wetness on his cheeks, was it raining? His bottom lip quivered and he realized he was crying, the new tears falling warmly.

And so Jimin cried, loud and gross, his angel Min Yoongi staying with him.

Jimin didn't know how much time had passed,  it once he ran out of tears to cry the other spoke up.

"Why don't you come back with me to my apartment, just for tonight even. It isn't very far." The blonde said calmly. Jimi let out a nod, letting the man who just saved him support his weight.

Little did either of them know, a pair of eyes watched them from afar. Angry eyes boring into the blonde's head.

Comment who you think the angry eyes belong to!

Here's a hint, he's in love with Jimin 😉 and it's not who you might think it is.

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now