Future Ideas

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And I'm sorry! I know I've been on a sort of hiatus with my stories, but I've been getting all these new ideas in my head 😅.

I don't really want them to go to waste so I'll let you guys decide what I should start on after finishing up this story or my other stories. Of course they're mainly going to be Jimin-centric stories since I just write those the most. Here they are:

Title: To Wish Upon A Wishing Well (Jimin centric)
Summary: There are many helpful sayings like; "Careful what you wish for" and "Never meet your heroes."

But not one of them mentions anything about being sent back in time and fought over by six hot princes.
About: Jimin gets sent back in time by an enchanted wishing well, after ranting to it about his life and unfortunate encounter with his idols, BTS. When he arrives in this new place, he is almost immediately picked out by Prince Kim Taehyung, a past life of one of Jimin's idols. He is hired to go to the royal banquet, posing as Taehyung's boyfriend. This draws the attention of the other five princes; in a BTS dynasty.

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Title: Never Judge A Book By Its Cover (Jimin centric/JiKook)
Summary: To the city of Seoul and all of his classmates, Park Jimin is the nerdy, chubby kid who sits in the back of the class and bullied on a daily basis.

To the rest of South Korea? The only blood relative and heir to the most dangerous mafia family in the country. And hot as hell.
About: Jimin goes to high school in Seoul, where his childhood love, Jungkook, beats the crap out of him along with his gang.
How long will Jimin take the abuse? How long till he cracks? Till he decides to reveal who he really is to Bangtang High School.

(Got7 will also be characters in this story, they will be Jimin's body guards and closest friends)

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Title: If Cinderella Were An Assassin (JiKook)
Summary: A prince pressured to marry, an assassin pressured to kill the prince. What could go wrong?
About: Jimin goes to the ball wearing blades and murderous intent, one assignment, Kill Prince Jungkook. Only problem seems to be that the prince has fallen for this mysterious man, come to take his life. If only he were to meet him again. Good thing Jungkook grabbed Jimin's lucky boot dagger before he lost him forever.

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Title: Be My Daddy? (Jimin centric)
Summary: Jimin is a little and this is the story on how each of the members found out and their reactions
About: Jin finds out first, then the two youngest, and it all goes downhill from there.

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Title: Call Of The Wolf (mostly Vmin and JiKook)
Summary: Jimin should've known better than to save that weird wolf from the bear trap.

"Okay. If you've been a werewolf this whole time. Raise your hand."


"Actually I'm pretty sure your neighbor is a cat spirit"
About: Jimin is your average angel, nature loving child. Too bad his nature loving ways gets him into all sorts of trouble. But saving a black wolf he stumbled upon in the forest from a bear trap was probably the worst. Since that wolf is actually a werewolf and has decided to claim Jimin as his own. Good thing Jimin's got protection from all his lying friends, and his dog Taehyung who everyone is trying to convince him is actually a wolf, it Jimin doesn't think so.

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Title: Penny For Your Thoughts? (Jimin Centric)
Summary: At a fan sign, one fan begged Jimin to accept a locket which he later accepts.

Little did he know that that locket would grant him the ability to hear people's thoughts.

Which is a little hard to deal with when all of his band mates are secretly in love with him.

(Supposed to be both a crack fic that may contain slight angst)
About: The summary explains it all really.

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I will also take any story requests as well! With summer coming up, I'll have a lot more free time.

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Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now