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"That's my home!" Jimin cried out frantically.

Yoongi was on his feet almost instantly; he grabbed his keys as well as a jacket and pulled Jimin out quickly. They rode on the blonde's bike toward the apartments. It wasn't hard to find as there was smoke coming out from the buildings.

"Y-you're going too fast!" Jimin whimpered quietly, holding onto to dear life as the other zoomed down back streets.

When they finally arrived at the scene, the fire had already been put out. All that was left was the smoke and ashes of what was once an apartment. The small boy felt like crying almost, his things were in there; clothes, possession, and a picture of him and his parents. (Oof that kind of sounds like fruits basket not gonna lie, also Fruits Basket is an anime and yes you should think about watching it)

A police officer took notice of the two standing nearby, "Hey! You two can't be here!" The cop walked over to them to scold them for being so close to a dangerous area. "I'm sorry sir, but that's my friends house." Yoongi said. Jimin was surprised at how formal the blond could sound.

"Really? What's your name kid?" Now the man was talking to him. Jimin gulped before answering. "Jimin. Park Jimin." He never liked the police all that much,  it ever since his parents passed. "Ah, do you know anything that might have started this? A candle or an oven left on?" He took out a little notepad now. Do they thing Jimin started the fire?

"N-no, I don't know how to cook so I have no use for my stove. And I don't really own any candles. I always turn my lights off when I leave so it couldn't have been that..." now jimin was just rambling to himself. "Calm down son." The officer gave him a comforting smile.

"Is there anyway his things could be retrieved?" Yoongi asked. "It's unlikely, we can't allow any civilians into the building. Jimin, do you have any family that you could stay with?" The smaller flinched slightly at the word 'family', but just shook his head no.


"He can stay with me."

Jimin looked over at his friend, was Yoongi his friend? He was surprised that this guy, who he just met tonight, offered for him to stay at his home for who knows how long until they renovate the apartments.

"That's sounds good. I'll leave you two to sort that out." Right before the man could leave, Jimin spoke up. He was still a bit timid but gained some more confidence.

"Sir! There's a picture frame in there, it's extremely important to me. Is there a way someone can get it? It's the only picture and it should be in the living room right when you walk in!" He worried his lip as he waited for a reply. "Of course Jimin, if it's something valuable to you then I'm sure one of the firefighters here can go in. If not then  I'll even get it myself." Jimin couldn't help but smile at that.

"Thank you!" He cried, Bowing lowly.

The ride back was a lot slower then the ride to the fire, to Jimin's relief. When they got back, Jin and Namjoon were still there looking worried.

"Are you two okay?" Jin asked frantically. He checked them both over for any injuries. "No we're fine!" Jimin smiled at how caring the other was. "OH MY GOD HES ADORABLE! Can I keep you?" The larger asked with a smile.

"Jimin is going to be staying with me until his apartment gets rebuilt." Yoongi said, taking his shoes off. Jimin did the same and followed him. "I'm sorry for the burden..."

"Hey don't say that." The blond said with a smile, "You know, someone once told me its better to be thankful for things then to be sorry. It shows gratitude and spread optimism." Jimin couldn't help but blush slightly at the other's beautiful gummy smile.

"What have you done to Suga? Did you break him? Is that still Suga? I can't believe he's smiling!" Namjoon was panicking, he isn't used to his friend being like this. Of course he's gotta be a little dramatic about it too.

"Punk! Leave me alone!" Yoongi spat, throwing a pillow at him. "Ah he's back."

The two bickered all night, Jin eventually joining in and Jimin just smiling the whole time. What Yoongi told him was true. He was thankful for the others kindness, even if he seemed to be the only one it was given to. He was thankful to have three new friends who once went to his school. And he was side story thankful for winter break, and not having to face Jungkook and his friends anytime soon.

"Holy shit! Did you guys see the fire over there?" Hoseok asked, rushing into Jungkook's living room. "Yeah we got a notification for it." Tae said, watching a live from the scene.

"Wait, doesn't Jimin live there?" Taehyung asked, looking at his friends.

"Who?" The coconut head ass piece of flaming garbage, underaged baby piece of monkey poop. (Jk that's only directed at story Jungkook, Kook is fricking amazing in rl tho)

"Ah, so cruel!" Hoseok faked a shot in his heart, falling on top of the others. "Get off of me you melodramatic sun!" Kook scowled at his friend.

"Guys it's jimin!" Taehyung pointed to his live. Hoseok grabbed his phone and sat in the middle.

There was Jimin, in the same clothes that they just saw him in, talking to an officer. He looked wrecked, as if he's been crying for hours. But what bothered them the most was the stranger standing next to him.

He was blonde, and a little thin? Really handsome looking with ripped light jeans and leather jacket. The camera man (woman?) got closer, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"-cook so I have no no use for my stove. And I don't really own any candles. I always turn my lights off when I leave so it couldn't have been that..."

The officer said something that they couldn't catch. They continued to talk, the conversation getting boring in Jungkook's opinion. Oh wait! That's the little nerd that confessed to him, today? Or was the the one that did it yesterday? Eh he doesn't care.

What brought them all back to the video was when the stranger spoke up for the first time.

"He can stay with me."

Damn he had a deep voice.

But just who was this guy?

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now