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Silent tears streamed down his face as he stared down at the rapids below.

He was a fool for thinking Jungkook had ever liked him back, Jimin wished now that he had never said anything.

Jungkook was right. Jimin was pathetic. He was just a waste of space. No one would ever love him. But he still loved Jungkook. He still loved the man who hurt him like this.

"Then go ahead and die."

His words echoed throughout Jimin's Head. The smaller chuckling darkly at his own situation.

"If that's what you want Jungkookie... I'll always do what you want." With that, Jimin let go, closing his eyes as he felt his body fall foreword. He felt... light.

Like a leaf finally letting go of a dying tree in autumn. Finally free of any burden.

He yelped when he felt a pair of hands catch his arms before he could fall all the way.

"What the fuck are you doing!" A rough, panicked voice screamed from above. When he looked up, Jimin swore he saw an angel.

Blond hair that fell around his soft looking face, brown eyes shining in fear. The light right behind the other only added to his angelic appearance.

The angel pulled Jimin back over the railing, the two breathing heavily. It was silent until the stranger spoke up, grabbing the front of Jimin's collar.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" He asked, still angry but not as strained. Jimin could only stare up at him, taking in the man that had just saved his life.

"I'm pretty sure I was jumping off a bridge?" Jimin asked, dumb founded. The Adrenalin pumping through his system seemed to kill
his last two brain cells.

The other sighed, holding the bridge of his nose. "Look, kid. My name is Min Yoongi. What's yours?"
Jimin gulped, tears watering at his eyes again.

Yoongi stared in shock, not knowing what to do. He's never been in a situation like this, but he knew that this kid needed help, fast. So without thinking, he knelt down beside the crying boy and started rubbing his back.

"Park Jimin... my name is Park Jimin." He muttered. Yoongi sighed, allowing Jimin to soak his clothes with tears.

He ended up taking Jimin back to his place, not trusting the boy to be by himself after he told Yoongi he didn't live with his parents. That was a question for later though.

After plopping him on the couch, Yoongi took a seat next to him. "Look, I won't force you to tell me what happened. I know you don't know anything about me, I don't know you, but I'm here. So if you do... yeah I'm here for you." The blond sighed at his awkwardness and gripped the bridge of his nose.

Jimin would have laughed if it weren't for the current situation. So he nodded and curled further into himself. After a few moments, he spoke.

"The man I've loved for years told me to kill myself."


"Do you still love him?" Yoongi had no idea what he was doing. Jimin chuckled darkly.

"I wish I didn't... it's hard... getting up after falling so hard." The room fell silent once again. Jimin finally breaking it, humming a small tune.

Eventually he fell asleep onto his savior's shoulder, the latter staring down at the tear stained face of the broken boy. Sighing for what felt like the hundredth time, Yoongi gently moved him so he was laying down.

He grabbed some extra blankets from the closet and draped them over Jimin. The older couldn't help but feel protective of the smaller boy. He felt anger that anyone would want another person to end their own life, especially to someone as small and beautiful as Jimin.

Yoongi got up and grabbed his phone, scrolling through the contacts he hit call and listened as the line rang.

"Suga I swear if you say you locked yourself out of your house again-"

"Good to hear from you too, Namjoon." The blond rolled his eyes, why was his friend like this?

"... what's wrong? Something happened didn't it." Kim Namjoon, Yoongi's best friend since childhood. They knew each other like they knew themselves.

"It's- theres this guy.... he tried to jump off a bridge." He went into the other room as not to disturb Jimin.

"Jesus Christ! Is he okay? Did you call a hospital? Where is he?" Namjoon asked, panic overtaking his voice. "He's fine, I grabbed him before he fell... he's umm... we're at my place. He's asleep on my couch."

The line went silent until a new voice came through the phone.

"It's Jin, we're driving there now."

Yoongi stayed next to Jimin for about twenty minutes before there was a knock at the door. He didn't even have time to answer it before Jin used the spare key to break in. He had bright pink hair as he scoured the place, behind him was another man who had green hair.

"Jin! Chill your fine ass down, we could have waited for Yoongs to open the door." Namjoon muttered as he followed the older male into Yoongi's apartment.

"I don't need to chill! And thanks I know I got a fine ass." Jin winked at Namjoon before finding the two boys on the couch.

"Hey Suga, This him?" He asked softly, taking a seat on the other side of the sleeping boy. Old tear tracks shined on his pale cheeks in the light. "His name is Park Jimin." Was all the blond said before getting up to stretch his legs. He had been siting crammed next to to Jimin for too long.

Jin was about to wake Jimin up when suddenly a loud crash echoed from Yoongi's small kitchen. The sound woke Jimin, who began to panic when he saw Jin. Once Yoongi came into his line of sight, he practically jumped on him, clinging like his life depended on it.

"HEY! GOD OF DESTRUCTION, STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" The blond screamed, waddling toward his friend with a Jimin very much attached to him.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE!" Jimin squealed, clutching tighter to his makeshift tree. Namjoon walked out sheepishly with a pan, a large dent deforming it.

"Well I'm Kim Seokjin, but you can call me Jin Hyung. I'm seventeen." Jin said, smiling gently at Jimin. "I'm Kim Namjoon, no relation... but we're the same age and so is Suga. We're his friends." The pan destroyer told him, tossing the ruined kitchenware aside.

"Sorry, I kind of called them here. I thought they could maybe help you." Suga told him through gritted teeth. It wasn't that Jimin was heavy, in fact he was light as a fricking pillow pet, but his strong arms wouldn't allow Yoongi to move his limbs no matter how hard he tried.

"Oh... how?" Jimin asked, not relenting his grip the slightest.

"Well... that's actually a good question." The Green Giant mumbled. "Jimin, I need my arms."

"Oh! Sorry Yoongi Hyung!"

Well there's that....

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now