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Sorry for the late update!

Jimin must have passed out at some point because the next time he opened his eyes, he was in a very comfortable, modern looking apartment.

"You're awake."

Startled, Jimin looked over to Yoongi, who held a glass of apple juice for him. "Thank you..." Jimin muttered quietly.

The two sat in silence, the blond drinking his own beverage. "It's been a long night, I can leave if you want." Yoongi told him, reaching for the glasses.

"I-no please- I mean, you can stay... if you want to..." the brunette mentally face palmed, of course he can stay! It's his own home! If anything, Jimin should be the one leaving.

"Alright, would you like me to put on a movie?" He asked. Jimin shook his head no, warm from embarrassment he brought upon himself. "How about I get some blankets?" Jimin thought for a second, before agreeing eventually.

His host left quietly, coming back shortly with the blankets.

So when Yoongi said "some" blankets, Jimin thought that meant "some." Not enough to actually cover the entire apartment.

"Hmm, do you think we need more blankets?" Jimin asked jokingly, to his surprise, the other actually laughed a bit; despite the context of their situation. "Sorry, I didn't know which ones to bring so I just brought them all." The blond said sheepishly.

"From your apartment, or the neighborhood?" The two smiled, all swaddled up in the overwhelming mass of blankets.

"...would you like to talk about it?" Yoongi asked softly. Jimin looked at him for a few moment before nodding slightly.

"His name is Jungkook..." the shorter began, "you actually probably know him, Jeon Jungkook? Richest guy in the whole damn country. I guess I'm just another one of his fans though." He chuckled humorously. The blond stayed quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"We both go to Bangtang, and we've known each other for a while. I'm actually an errand boy for him and his friends. Maybe it was because I had to see him more often that I thought I had a chance with him. Obviously not though."

"I-I told him I liked him today, and he-he um... he told me to kill myself." Jimin could feel fresh tears threatening to spill again.

"And that's when I found you at the bridge." The taller finished softly. Neither talked for a moment, just staying in comfortable silence.

It was broken however when the door to Yoongi's large apartment swung open loudly.


Two very tall, very handsome men, came barging in loudly. "I forgot about those two idiots..." the blonde scowled. "D-did you have plans tonight? I'm sorry if I'm interru-" Jimin was cut off by large hands squishing his cheeks gently.

"Oh my goodness you look so cute! Who is he, Yoongi?" One of the boys who walked in, with pink dyed hair and broad shoulders cooed at Jimin. The latter blushed deeply at that.

"Oi, leave him alone. And leave my house while you're at it." Yoongi was standing up now and pushing the man away from the small boy. "I-I'm Jimin!" He squeaked.

"Oh my god you're so adorable! I'm Jin, and that's Joonie." Jin pointed to the other man to came in, he had a dark shade of green coloring his hair.

"You didn't tell us you were having a guest over." Namjoon told his friend, slightly embarrassed from Jin's actions. "You didn't tell me you were breaking in." His friend retorted.

"I can leave-if you want! I wasn't really supposed to be here anyway." Jimin tried to speak up, not wanting the three friends to fight because of him. Yoongi gave him a heard, unreadable stare. "I want you to stay."

That did nothing to help Jimin's heated face, so he burrowed deeper into the nest of blankets to try and hide. "Oof why didn't you tell us he was that kind of guest, Jesus." Now Joon was blushing too.

After thirty minutes of bickering between Yoongi and his friends, it was finally decided that they could stay for the night. So they all cuddles up in the living room with snacks and drinks.

"So! Tell us about yourself Jiminnie." Jin said with a gentle smile. The nickname gave Jimin a sense of happiness for a moment. He may not know this guy very well, but no one other than his parents have ever gave him a nickname before. Yoongi, Who was sitting next to him leaned in and whispered, "You don't have to tell them anything you don't want to, okay?" Jimin nodded, realizing how thankful he is for the other's kindness.

"Well... I go Bangtang High School. I like to dance and sing, but I don't do it that often... oh! I'm seventeen!" He finished. "Really? The three of us go there too!" Jin said excitedly.

"Really?! I've never heard of you guys there before..." Jimin was excited, seeing as he might possibly make friends for once. But he was also confused, he's never heard of nor seen them before.

"Well Yoongi always skips, since he thinks he's so swag." Namjoon said, "Jin owns a business and I'm a full time producer. So we all just choose not to go to school." 

"Yah, I produce too! Don't make me sound like some lazy ass!" Yoongi snapped, throwing a crumpled paper at the green haired boy. Jimin giggles a bit, but on the inside he was amazed, these guys already have real work and they're still so young. That's when he realized he didn't know how to call them correctly. "How old are you all?"

"Mmm, me and Suga are both your age, and then this grandpa here just turned eighteen." Now it was Jin's turn to throw trash at his friend.

They all chatted some more before a news notification went to their phones.

All residence within the area:

Apartment complex Dakota has caught fire. Stay away as the fire is still alive and could end up very harmful. So far we have found no victims from the complex and authorities will figure out the cause of the fire.

"Dakota? Isn't that right by here?" Jin asked with a frown. "That's scary..."

"I need to go!" Jimin was up faster than they could comprehend as he ran to the door going to get his shoes on. "Jimin?! Are you okay?!" Namjoon called, the three going to follow him. "I need to get to Dakota!" He replied, going to tie his laces.

"You can't go to there, the authorities have it on lockdown till they put it out. Why do you need to go? Is a friend of yours there?" Jin asked worriedly.

"That's my home!"

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now