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A loud clanging sound woke Jimin up from his slumber. He groggily rubbed his eyes, going to move when he suddenly realized something was stopping him.

Looking down, he saw an arm wrapped tightly around his side. Following the arm, it led up the handsome face of Jin. All the memories from last night cane rushing back in;

They all bickered for a bit before Namjoon brought out snacks from Suga's pantry. The latter yelling at him for stealing his food. They talked and played a few games and watch a movie, by the end of it they were all sleeping on the couch. Jin had been sitting closest to him, explaining why he was now attached to him.

"Pardon me..." Jimin whispered under his breath as he gently maneuvered the arm off of him and got up. The older immediately reacted, turned over and patching himself onto a sleeping Namjoon instead.

The mochi chuckled softly before realizing that Yoongi wasn't there. After a moment of his morning disorientation, he remembered the  sound that had woken him.

"Yoongi-Hyung?" The smaller called out with a slight yawn. He walked toward the kitchen to see the paler....


Wearing an apron with the smell of cooking eggs and other food in the air. The morning sun shone through the small window on the wall, it cane in streams, lighting up his blond hair.

Damn. If he didn't look like an angel before, then now he just looks straight up godly.

"Morning Jimin, you hungry?" The taller asked, setting the food on four different plates.

"Not really..." he needed to start losing a little weight... he's gained a few pounds over the past couple months. Jimin frowned, feeling his blub from inside his shirt.

Of course, it was at that moment his stomach started to grumble.


Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him. And, without breaking eye contact, slowly piled more food onto what was presumably Jimin's plate. The smaller just sighed in defeat.

After waking up the two free loaders (they're only called that because they're Yoongi's friends rip) they began to eat. Of course the breakfast table was as eventful as last night.

"I had the weirdest dream." Namjoon began, food still in his mouth. "I was sitting out under the stars, when they suddenly came falling towards me. But then I realized that I was the one falling towards them. Thinking about it, it reminds me of the youth today. Some of us put off our goals and say that things just aren't right yet, and that's why they seem so far away still. Just like the stars. We put things off when what we really should be doing is falling towards them, taking each step day by day and getting closer and closer, achieving them slowly-"

"Boring! I had a dream that I was riding an alpaca but then it was actually like a giant pickle. And it tasted like potato chips, don't ask why we tasted it, in the dream world it seemed like the most natural thing to do." Seokjin interrupted, shoving food into Namjoon's face to shut him up.

Jimin just laughed as he ate, Suga rolling his eyes at his two idiot friends.

"So," The oldest began, setting his dish in the sink. "What are we gonna do today? I have off from my company for winter break."

"Yeah me too, I decided that Christmas should be spent with family and friends instead of being cooped up in the studio." Namjoon followed suite, putting his dish away. "I-I guess I don't really have anything... I'll just go with you guys? If that okay! Sorry I didn't even bother to ask first..." Jimin blushed slightly from his mistake. Why is he like this?

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now