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Warning! Short chapter!


"Just put it on!"


"Kim Jimin! How dare you say that about yourself! You are now my son, so as the son of Mr. World Wide Handsome, you are not dirty. And Yoongi will pay for you."

A flustered and very much panicking Jimin was struggling to fight back an insistent Jin who was trying to throw piles and piles of high brand clothing into his small arms.

Namjoon and Yoongi were left either apologizing to the store workers or other customers for the commotion their friends were making, or watching lazily from the side.

"Hey! Why am I paying?" The blond grouched. Jin stopped his ministrations and gave the other a look.

"Because this is your boyfriend now. Now spoil him."

And that, my friends, is how you make the cutest mochi on earth, and cool headed AGUST D, flush like ripe tomato.

"W-we can just go to a cheaper store..." Jimin felt a little guilty, even though it was Jin who had offered Yoongi's money, he would hate for the other to waste money on someone like him. He isn't worth something so luxurious.

The blond gave him a look before turning and grabbing a random pair of tight looking black ripped jeans and throwing it on the pile.

"You'd look good in these..." He mumbled, silently saying that he wanted to pay for Jimin, pleading that Jimin would understand without him having to say it. He wasn't exactly the most straightforward when it came to his... never mind.

In the end, Jimin had gotten fifteen new outfits and plenty of accessories, Yoongi insisting to pay for it all. Jimin was in his care now, it was like a responsibility. Not to mention he really did want to.

"Alright! Where to next?" Jimin's new mom energetically tugged his new son along with him with his son in law and husband slowly trudging behind.

"N-next? But I already got so much! Please don't waste any more money on me!"

The dark haired boy pleaded but Jin didn't care as they walked into the hair salon. (Lmao I'm always giving Jimin a new hairstyle)

"Hey, don't say things like that. I wouldn't spend my money if it was going to be a waste. I spent it because I wanted to take care of you."  Yoongi stared at Jimin intensely, causing the latter to want to shrink in slightly. "O-okay..." (lmao and yoongi said he wasn't good at being straight forward, well, maybe about SOME things)

"Yeah Minnie, we're all really comfortable with money right now, so let us help you. You just lost your whole house just yesterday, you can't expect us not want to help you." The green haired rapper said seriously, but there was a gentle smile on his face. Namjoon reminded him of the big friendly giant. He was calming, but could be very scary at times.

The smaller decided to keep his hair color, instead letting the noonas restyle it in different ways to try and get a new feel for him. He liked the side split the best. (The look where he looks like Eric from The Little Mermaid)

The rest of the day was spent looking around for little gifts for Jimin, spoiling the flustered boy. (Ayyy it's like he's got three sugar daddies) They ate out, went to Karaoke, and ice cream of course.

It was nine at night by the time Jin and Namjoon split from the Yoonmin group to grab their belongings so they could officially move in with the two.

"I swear they just do what they want." Suga growled, causing Jimin to laugh a little.

As the two couples walked in opposite directions (lol no Yoonmin is not official, they aren't an actual couple... yet 😉🧐🤨) a pair of eyes followed them.

The same pair of eyes that were at the bridge, belonging to the same person who held feelings for our resident suicidal mochi. The person who believed that Jimin will be his.

That person whipped out their phone to text his two friends.

Hey I found Jimin...

This mystery person will be revealed next chapter! So keep letting me know who you think it is! So far I'm getting a lot of Taehyung's and Jungkook's.

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now