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(Next day, Jungkook)

Jungkook bit his lip for the the twentieth time that day. Ever since he told that little nerd to go kill himself yesterday, he hasn't been able to shake this... feeling off.

Regret? Despair? No? Not that?

Maybe as if something was about to happen...

Wait but what if?

No. Hell no. Like Jungkook said, Jimin is too much of a wimp to even think about suicide.

But still...

"Earth to Kook? Hellooo?" Long elegant fingers snapped right in front of his face. Lodging his tongue into the side of his cheek, the brunette turned to glare at his friend.

"You want to die, Taehyung?" He snarled. "Maybe."

A quiet scream of "Me too!" Came from down the hallway, probably Jhope. "Hobi, the love of our lives wants us to die! Come on let's go!" Tae called, running out of the room.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, he knew his friends weren't serious. They were still trying to get under his skin about what he did to Jimin.

The three of them were just hanging out at Hoseok's House, his parents being out for the week. But that gut feeling Jungkook had totally ruined his mood.

"It's not my problem... right?"

The coconut dumbass was brought out of his thoughts by his not coconut but still dumbass friends downstairs acting like complete idiots, but they were his idiots so might as well join them.

So for the rest of the day, he ignored the foreboding feeling, as if he just lost something important and couldn't even remember what.

Guess he'll find out Monday then.


The blond woke up the next morning with a weight on his chest. It wasn't restricting or anything, but it was definitely something on top of him.

Or someone.

"Jin get the hell off me."

Opening his eyes fully, Yoongi turned to see his best friend push his other best friend off of himself and onto their ass on the carpeted floor.

He honestly would have laughed if it wasn't for the human that was on him too. Fluffy brown hair tickled his nose slightly. Park Jimin, the boy he literally saved last night was just sleeping on top of him. A practical complete stranger. On top of Yoongi.

It was absolutely adorable.

"NAMJOON YOU OVERBOILED EGG YOU KNOCKED ME ON MY WORLD WIDE ASS CHEEK" (btw y'all should go subscribe to Cameron Philip on YouTube because why not?) Jin screeched.

This caused the chain reaction that could have potentially lead to setting the city on fire and starting WW3.

Namjoon, offended went to push Jin lightly. Of course it was too hard and Jin knocked into the table, pushing the glass of water and trash onto the carpet. Yoongi being the angry grandpa he is, was getting up to yell at them when he forgot he had a sleeping Jimin on board. Jimin falls off yoongi, still asleep, and starts rolling away.

The Wild Jimin nearly hits the tv stand and knocks it on top of himself, but luckily, Namjoon is there to balance the tv before that can happen. Unfortunately, Jin had the same idea but tripped over Jimin's sleeping form and landed on top of Namjoon. Of course this position they are now in could very much be mistaken for an intimate moment.

Yoongi, never being one to miss a good opportunity snaps a good photo. Which leads to both Jin and Namjoon, who looks like a watermelon with his green hair and red face, to chase after him. The commotion finally wakes up Jimin and then the world fricking ends. Jungkook doesn't get a chance to repent for his sins because everyone is dead and Jimin has taken over.

At least that's what Min Yoongi imagines as his two friends scramble frantically to clean up the spilled water and trash from the carpet. Jimin still safely on his chest, snoring quietly. (Basically if you couldn't tell, yoongi basically had a vision of what would happen if he tried to get up with Jimin still on top of him)

God he needed a coffee.

Sorry, this chapter was pretty weird but I'll probably get a lot more serious and angsty with it soon. Again sorry but yeah, I haven't been in the angsty mood lately. I need to read some angsty fics or something RIP 😔

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now