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Okay so I'm gonna be honest and just say that I'm not liking how I'm writing this story, and I'm most likely gonna do a rewrite and repost with better wording and stuff. But for the meantime, here is this chapter for Worth Dying For.

P.s. sorry for any grammar mistakes.

(Jimin POV)

Jimin woke up to sunlight assaulting his eyes. Groaning, he rolled around on his bed...which was very warm... and very human shaped.

"This isn't my room..." he mumbled. His comment was met with a "Yeah, no shit Sherlock."

So the dark haired boy glanced up to be met with blond locks and a handsome face. All the events of last night suddenly came back to him; getting rejected, jumping off the bridge, meeting Yoongi-Hyung and the other hyungs.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" He squealed, hopping off the older at record speed. "For what?" The other asks as he yawned.

"I didn't mean to overstay, because of me you had to sleep on the couch with me on top of you and I know I'm heavy and I'm so sorry and you saved my life last night and I haven't even thanked you and then you had to listen to me rant about my absolute failure of a love life and oh my god I cried on you I can pay for your washing if you want and IM SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE-"

Jimin was out of breath by the time he nearly finished his panic attack, but his Hyung only blinked at him stupidly for a few minutes before replying.

"It is way to early for that fucking nonsense, are you coming back to sleep or should I start making breakfast?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. So the shorter stayed quiet while his host got up to prepare their breakfast.

"Excuse me? Yoongi Hyung? Where did Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung go?" Jimin asked over the sizzling of fried rice. "Back to their apartment, they had to grab some of their stuff before coming back over. They said they wanted to make sure you were going to be okay so they decided to stay over here." He grumbled.

"Why would they be staying here though?" The younger asked dumbly. "Obviously because you're staying here, I mean I didn't even give permission for those two to freeload here. Never get friends, they're assholes." Yoongi finished, dumping the fried rice into two bowls.

"But why am I staying here? Aren't you going to kick me out? Or tell me to go back home?" Jimin whispered as he glanced down at the dish, mouth watering. "One, you make me out to be a complete jerk. Two, there's no way I'm letting you live by yourself so you're stuck with me now. And three, it's way too early to ask this many questions so just eat."

The darker haired boy just nodded quickly before digging in. He still didn't really understand what was happening exactly, like, he just met this guy last night. Could this be called kidnapping?


Jimin was knocked out his thought as the front door of the apartment swung open to reveal a fabulous Jin as he walked in. Behind him was Namjoon as e struggled to carry all of his and Jin's luggage.

"HOW LONG DO YOU PLAN TO STAY HERE? I DAMN YEAR?" Yoongi screeched, seeing basically every article of clothes his friends owned, shoved into many suitcases and bags. "OF COURSE! JIMIN IS OUR SON NOW SO WHY WOULDNT WE STAY WITH HIM?" Jin screeched back in the same manner.

"You guys need to be quiet, you'll wake the neighbors." Namjoon scolded them, finally managing to set all the bags down without causing an avalanche. Meanwhile Jimin's Head was reeling. Jin and Namjoon are adopting him? But they're all in high school? What is happening?

"Sorry sweetie, I know this might be going a little fast for you. But me and Joonie are officially adopting you and no one can do anything about it." Jin said with a smile. Jimin's mind finally clicked, launching itself into why the funk not mode.

His crush told him to kill himself, he meets the nicest strangers ever, and basically told them some of the most personal things about himself, and now two of them want to adopt him. Seems ligit.

"That's cool, so do I have two dad's now?" Jimin asked with a smile. The room went quiet for a few seconds. The silence was broken by a high pitched squeal as Jin picked him up and started spinning. (Have you seen Ouran High Host Club? If you have then imagine the scene where Tamaki spins Haruhi in episode one.)

"Oh my god he's so precious! You're smile is absolutely adorable!"

"I'm positive this is not how this is supposed to work." Yoongi said tiredly. "Please just go with it. I've been trying to talk sense into him since the ride home, nothing works." Namjoon sighed, collapsing onto the couch. Yoongi soon joined him.

In the end, Jin finally let the younger down and they all decided to put together for lunch and maybe shopping.

They talked a lot, and Jimin found out more about his new friends and vice versa.

Jin owned a flower shop despite his young age, while Namjoon and Yoongi worked as song producers and underground rappers. Jin was a cheerleader while the other two played basketball.

They all knew each other since basically pre-k and have always been inseparable. That's when the topic of school came up.

"Oh yeah, Jimin-sshi, where do you go to school?" Namjoon asked once they got their food. "Well, currently I go to Sonyeondan."

"Really? That's great! We're just transferring there tomorrow!" Jin smiled warmly at him, almost laughing at the coincidence. "Seriously? That's amazing!" The brown haired male said excitedly, maybe he'll finally have some friends at school.

"Yeah..." Yoongi muttered, seeming to be deep in thought. This caused Jimin to frown slightly, did his Hyung now want to be at the same school as him? He thought the blond was actually starting to like him...

"Well then, I say we go for some shopping after this? If Jimin's going to be part of our family then I say he follows a few tradition." It was Namjoon who actually said it, coming to full terms that Jimin will in fact be his "son" and he can't do anything but accept it.

"Wait, what traditions?" The younger asked, the other three just smiled at him. And he isn't sure if he likes those smiles or not.

"Definitely not." The dark haired boy said automatically.

The three of them currently stood in front of a hair salon, an add was on the front for discounted hair dye and hair cut.

Jimin liked his hair, he's kept it the same ever since he was little. He honestly thought it was his best attribute, having the "Asian hair genes" that made it thick and silky. Maybe it did look a little shabby, but was it really that bad?

"You think I'd like some ugly bitch like you?"

He froze as Jungkook's words came back to him. It was only then that he realized how much hanging out with his new Hyung's distracted him from the pain he felt literally the night before. If he didn't know any better, he'd call it magic.

New determination filled him, determination to get revenge on his crush. Anger filled him as he thought back to the times he was used for homework assignments and a little runboy by his bullies and Jungkook. Jungkook even left him broken in the damn locker room!

Fire lit in his eyes, if Jungkook is gonna be like that, than the whole damn world can bet that Jimin will make the fucker regret it.

"Jin-Hyung. I want to do it."

Another quick note, if you have any ideas at all for this story and want me to include it, do let me know! Or if you by chance read this story and think up a better way to write it and want to give it a shot than totally do it, and send me a link so I can read it! I love reading other people's stories.

Worth Dying For (JiKook vs JiminxBTS ft. Namjin) [Dropped]Where stories live. Discover now