Remake (1)

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Here's the first chapter of the remake! Pls enjoy!

The cold air of winter nipped at Jimin's reddening nose. Snowflakes fell from the dark sky above, leaving  white dots in his dark bangs.

"Why is it so damn cold all the time?" He grumbled under his breathe.

Jimin was a junior at Sonyeondan High School. It was basically like any other high school, but with a lot more rich pricks. Of course Jimin isn't a prick, though he's deeply in love with one...

The catch? He's probably the richest cactus of a prick in the entire fricking country. Jeon Jungkook.

Tall, muscle pig, future CEO of Jeon Enterprise, and handsome could be mentioned but that's basically a given. Jimin actually doesn't really know when it started, it just kind of hit him out of no where. All he knows is that he would do anything for him.

Even if it means random snack runs at four on a Friday morning.

"Ju-Jungkook-ssi! I got what you asked for!" Jimin was out of breathe as he finally arrived at the bridge he was told to go to.

"Yeah sorry, Kook's not here." A tall, tanned male with Carmel colored hair and matching eyes flashed a boxy grin at him. Kim Taehyung. Third richest asshole at his school, and naturally, Jungkook's inner circle.

"But we'll definitely take those off you're hands." A second male, this one with almost a cherry red tint to his bangs and long handsome face came up from behind Taehyung, one arm slung around his shoulder. Jung Hoseok, fourth richest asshole.

"I-um-no I-" Jimin had to take a deep breathe in order to calm his nerves. "No." He finally managed, "Jungkook-ssi asked for them so I need to bring it to him." Determination lighted his eyes, which immediately dimmed at the sound of Hoseok's laughter.

"Okay, I'm hungry. So I'm gonna make this quick. You see this?" The red head asked, holding out a cellphone. Jungkook's cellphone to be exact. "My battery died and I was starved. I asked for the food, so mind giving it over now?"

That shut Jimin up. So he quietly handed over the snacks, Taehyung giving him nearly ten times the actual cost the snacks were. Only leaving him with a mutter of keep the change and a wink.

Sighing as the two left his line of sight, Jimin turned to start is walk home. Maybe he'll still have time to fit in a quick nap before he has to start getting ready for school.

School, the worst part of Jimin's existence.

The student system worked kind of like a hierarchy, but ranking was based on a combination of popularity and brightest future. On the top of that social food chain were the six Kings, Jungkook being the first king of course. The second and third kings were Taehyung and Hoseok respectively.

The second King was never at school, yet somehow managed to stay listed and ranked. Too bad Jimin can't really remember what his name was. The fifth and sixth kings would always skip school as well, people claiming they were away running their business already.

Jimin on the other hand, he's like a tiny bug compared to those guys. He's poor, relying on multiple part time jobs and his own good grades that got him into that school in the first place. It's a miracle Jungkook even noticed him at all, even if it was to be his call dog.

"Winter break is tomorrow..." Jimin said to himself, gazing at the white ceiling of his room. "I guess I'll have to do it today then..." a giddy smile appeared on his features. He's been planning this for the past year, already thought of all the scenarios and finally decided it would be worth a shot.

In four hours time, Jimin will confess his love to Jungkook.

Okay so this was kind of short but I'll continue soon, and you all probably already know who the second, fifth, and sixth kings of Sonyeondan are 😆😆

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