Chapter 2

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The next day the sun was out. There was a sense of calm and happiness over Camelot, and not a cloud was in the sky. The cerulean sky was a perfect shade of sapphire blue, just like Merlin's eye's, thought Arthur. Arthur was in his rooms working, though he longs to be out on the training feild with his knights practicing their quarterstaff fighting skills.

He stood in front of the window gazing out at the scene of Camelot, bird were singing and their was a subtle scent in the air of the apricot trees that were in bloom. A soft breeze ruffled through his blond hair. He thought back to the night before. It had been both the worst and best night of his life. He remembered gis despair at the thought of losing the only person he'd ever loved before he'd even had the chance to realise it and then the pure elation of discovering that Merlin loved him too and that he was going to survive his horrible head wound.

Aurthur could no longer bare being alone. He needed to find Merlin.

He strode over to the window and gazed out upon courtyard below. The people of Camelot were going about their daily business buying food and making other purchases. His attention was drawn by one of his knight and a familiar figure in blue. He smiled at the site and shrugging on his jacket he walked out of the door. when he walked outside into the sunlight he squinted in the bright light and paused to adjust his eyes. For a moment he could not see Merlin in the crowd but then a boyish laught caught his ear.

The crown parted and Aurthur caught sight of Merlin and Arthur smiled, but his smile faltered when he saw that Merlin was talking and laughing with someone else. It was Gwaine, his knight, who hand his hand on Merlin's arm, a roughish smile on his charming face. He scowled as he swpet down and plucked a wildflower fron the ground, presenting it to Merlin on one knee ina fluid motion. Merlin laughed delightedly and took it from him. HIS Merlin! Arhtur had had enough.

"Merlin!!" he bellowed as he strode across the courtyard, causing birds to scatter from the trees at his volume. He was unable to stand it any longer as he walked quickly to the pair fooling around and flirting.

He grabbed the wildflower from Merlin's hand and crushed it beneath his boot as he pulled Gwaine to his feet roughly and inserted himself between the pair back to Merlin as though blocking Gwaine's view of his prey would stop his ceaselessly roaming eye. Arhtur's blood was fire. How dare they make a fool of him, the prince of Camalot, the greatest warrior in the kingdom, like this? He trampled down his emotion like the wildflower.

"I see you two are enjoying yourself and neglecting you're duties" He managed to speak through his gritted teeth. Gwaine grinned at him; insolently.

"No offence was meant, sire, Merline and I were but having a little fun" Gwaine winked at Merlin as he stodd sheltered behind Arthur's back causing the fire of Arthur's anger to reingnite and sweep through him. He regretted that he was not wearing his amour and so had no gauntlet nor glove to throw at his knight's feet.

"Merlin! My chambers are a state, go and do something about it, if you're not too busy having fun with Gwaine to do your job." snapped Arthur not turning to address the man he was speaking to.

"But..." stammered Merlin.

"Now!" Arthur roared, finely turning to Merlin, but only to glare at him, blue eyes full of pure rage and fury. Merlin left silently but not nearly repenantly enough for Arthur's liking. Arthur drew himself up to his full height and stepped closer to Gwaine.

"I understand Percival requires some assistance moving the wetstone in the armory. You should go and help him." He glowered darkly at Gwaine until the shorter man ducked his head and scurried meekly away chastised. Arthur turned on his heel and left, stalking aftrer Merlin.

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