Chapter 20

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Arthur left Gaius in his chambers working on a tincture. It had pained him to leave his husband's side, even for the brief trip to his old friend's chambers, but he had become desperate for an update from the older man and his entire body riled at the inaction of sitting virgil by his still unconscious husband's side. Gaius had assured him that Merlin would wake up, but other than that the physician could tell him nothing about Morguase's curse. Arthur's mind swum with fear.

When Merlin had fallen at their son, Balither's, naming cerimoney, it was like his world lost its colour, and since then he had not had a moment of calm, his stomach rolled in a continuous wave, a torrent of hot fear at losing the man that he loved, and that the world would remain grey without him. After Merlin fell Uther took over, passing the baby to Morgana to keep him safe and away from the danger. Morguase had disappeared with a cackle and a whisk of the wind. And Arthur had felt so useless: able only to call for his husband and hold onto him until Gaius had laid a kindly hand on his shoulder and spoken soft words to persuade him to allow Merlin's form to be moved to their chambers to rest in the bed they shared together.

Arthur reached the finely carved heavy oaken doors of their chambers, only to find they were a jar. His heart skipped a beat in its mucular chest and he burst into their room, only to find it, and their bed, empty.

Arthur was lost.

Just then, Gwaine too burst the door. Arthur whipped around, face hanging in desperation.

"Arthur, it's Merlin. You need to come with me now." He said, releived to have found his prince with such haste.

"Have you found him? Is he okay?" asked the prince. Gwaine grinned slightly and pushed his floppy fringe from his eyes, dark eyes sparkling with a mirth that set Arthur on edge.

"You should come and see." He said with tact uncommon to him. Arthur nodded shorty and followed Gwaine quickly from the room, out of the castle and into the town. He swiftly realised they were heading for the tavern and frowned, where was Merlin? If Gwaine was having a joke, he would be in soo much trouble. Arthur was not in the mood for tom foolery as he was so concerned about Merlin's whereabouts.

"Gwaine, what-" he started to say as Gwaine opened the door of the tavern before him, but was cut off by the sound of Merlin's loud disorderly laughter coming from inside.

"Merlin," Arthur cried and burst into the Rising Sun, all sense of properiety forgotten in his haste. What he saw caused him to pull up short.

Merlin was draped suggestively over Percival's shoulders, one long finger running up and down the knight's bulging bicep as Arthur's husband leaned up to whisper in his ear. Percival was leaning away and bright red in the face and looking thoroughly uncomfortable.

"Arthur, it's not what it looks like" Muttered Gwaine as he grasped Arthur's shoulder.

"Merlin!" Arthur said shaking of Gwaine's hand from his shoulder and striding across the tavern towards his wayward husband, the patrons parting before him like an obedient ocean. As he closed in, he could hear Merlin's voice over the chatter surrounding him, and his words stung him like a knife.

"I love your mail, it's so well made for you" Merlin was saying, looking up at Percival from under his long eyelashes and trailing his hand up his bicep to wrap over his shoulder.

"It'd look so much better on my bedroom floor" He added with a suggestive grin, and the stool Percival was sitting on clattered to the ground as he jumped away from Merlin's touch, scarlet in the face.

Arthur felt his heart crack as Gwaine gestured for him to stay back as he approached Merlin.

"Merlin?" he said cautiously. Merlin whirled around and smiled beautifically at him.

"You're back! I knew would be." He grinned, prowling up to Gwaine. Gwaine smiled despite himself.

"How could I stay away?" he asked and tossed his hair back out of his brown eyes.

"I like it when you do that. Your hair really brings out your nose." He said, as he reached his finger out to touch it. Before he made contact, a strong hand wrapped around his wrist.

Arthur's relief at seeing his husband up and about had slowly chipped away into heartbroken angery as he watched the other man shamelessly flirt with the other men. Merlin gasped as his attention was caught, like his wrist, by the strong blond man. Merlin whipped around to look at the sourse of the hand and his mouth hung open slightly at the sight of the man infront of him, all thoughts of Gwaine and Percival forgotten. His heart flipped in his chest.

"Hello gorgeous" he intoned huskily staring at Arthur's golden beauty.

"Do you come here often?" He added winking, with a flirtation grin. Arthur frowned and released Merlin's arm, but almost regretted it when Merlin immediately started rubbing his chest through his shirt.

"You know I don't. Merlin, what's wrong with you?" Arthur asked, cursing his body's reaction to his husband affections.

"Nothing I'm sure you can't fix, let's go find out!" Merlin grabbed his arm and started to pull him towards the door which led to the rooms the tavern rented out to travellers.

"Go easy on him, sire, we think he's lost his memory." Percival spoke, having stepped close to Arthur and in a low voice.

"Yes, or his mind." Chipped Gwaine, still looking amused at Arthur's discomfort. Athur glared at him.

"Merlin, come with me." He said and started to lead the hapless socerer out of the tavern. Merlin grinned suggestively behind Arthur's back.

"Good to know I still have my charm." He said with a win and let Arthur lead him out into the dark knight. 

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