Chapter 5

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Merlin could smell Gais's stew as he approached the physicans quarters and his stomach rumbled. Gaius might not be the best cook in the world but his food was always hearty. He opened the door with a smile. It had been a good day. After breakfast Arthur and he had found time to go for a ride in the woods, this time uneventful thankfully. Then Arthur had spent the day on state affairs and trainging with his knights, Merlin always by his side.

"Gaius" He started as he came through the door but stopped short when he saw who was sitting at the table with Gaius. It was Isabella. She looked up from the book she was reading and beamed at him.

"Ah Merlin, Isabella has come to ask for some book I was hoping you could help her" Gaius said. Merlin looked from him to Isabella with an uncertain smile. She was dressed in dark green trousers and the same leater jerkin she had arrived in. Up close Merlin could see all of the detail in the mbossing, a pattern of celtic knots on either side of the fastening and spreading across her shoulders. She had been provided with a clean shurt that was not damaged, and seemed as at home in these simple clothes s she had been in Morgana's dress the night before. Her brown leather boots had been cleaned and were on her feet.

"Wouldn't the library be the best place for that?" He questioned.

"I was looking for some books on medecines actually. I understand Gaiuses collection is quite unrivalled" She held up an aged leater tome bearing the title Fasciculus medicinae and Merlin blinked in surprise.

"Oh I would not say that" Gaius said and waved a hand smiling.

"You are too modest Gaius! You have dedicated your life to this knowledge, these books are invaluable!" She cried and reached across the table to clasp her hand over his.

"Oh ok. Yes, I didn't know you were interested in medicine?" Merlin asked as he came to sit at the table with them.

"I am a hobbyist no more, but it comes in handy should I be injured away from home." Isabella gestured to the cut on her face.

"You treated that yourself?" Merlin leaned forward to inspect the wound and found it clean and healing well. He admired her commitment to knowledge and practicality, surely no ladies of the court would be able to do such a thing.

"And a fine job she did too!" Gaius claimed rising from the table to dish up their dinner. Isabella smiled and blushed prettily at the compliment then leaned across the table to address Merlin eagerly

"Tell Me Merlin, Gaius says you have more books, could I possibly see them?" she asked, curious. Mrelin grinned; he loved books. He reached to the shelf and pulled down a well worn tome.

"I've just finished this one it's about the recognising when someone's been poisoned. The man who wrote it tested all of the poisons on himself and recorded how each one felt. And how he cured all of them. Look here's hemlock." Merlin was grinning in excitement as he gestured to the page he was referring to.

"That seems a little morbid for you when you are so sweet" said Isabella, looking at the page with eyebrow raised in surprise.

"Oh no, it's great. It's saved so many lifes and it's so detailed. There are so many times that this book has helped me and Gaius work out just what's wrong with someone and it's so detailed." Merlin gushed blushing hard at her complement. She smiled sweetly at his enthusiasm and he ducked his head to hide his face

"Do people get poisoned a lot in Camelot?" Isabella jolked.

"You'd be surprised." Retorted Merlin with a sheepish smile at Isbella's resulting peel of laughter. Merlin looked confused. He was not joking but he joined in with her giggling anyway as it was so delightful.

"Oh wow! Belladonna... My father always joked that I was named after it as a child" she told Merlin, twirling a lock of her glistening copper hair between her lithe fingers. It's dazzling burnished hue reminded Merlin of the forests in Autumn, his favourite month, alight with the fire of thousands of leaves in flaming hues, as if the forests themselves were a flame.

"I can see why" whispered under his breath. Isabella had sharp ears and heard him anyway.

"What do you mean?" she teased cocking her head inquiringly.

"Well. It means beuatiful lady... and you're... you know... and a lady. And from what you were saying Aurthur last night you're deadly too... so... it fits... you. It suits you." Merlin stammered his eyes flicking between Isabella's and the scratched surface of the old table. As his normally pale skin blushed the bright scarlet of the cloaks of the knights of Camelot. Suddenly a steaming bowl appeared between them, held by Gaius's hand.

"I should go. I have taken up too much of your time" Isabella rose from the table With Gaiuses book in hand.

"Not at all my dear, pop by any time and you can borrow more books once you have finished with that one" Gaius said sitting at the table with his own bowel of stew.

"Bye Merlin" She said with a smile looking into his eyes. In the firelight he saw all the shades of green in hers, jade, emerald, sage, olive, moss, fern.

"Bye Isabella" He whispered horsely in response. Isabella smiled and blushed prettily, the pink of her cheeks contrasting with her pale skin like a new blossom on a cherry tree. She glanced back over her shoulder and she approached the door and Merlin caught a glimpse of her sweet smile. He turned back to his food and began shovelling it in his mouth as the door closed, and Gaius looked at him with a knowing eyebrow.

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