Chapter 3

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***4 months later***

It was an hour before dawn and the stillness of the Darkling Woods was disturbed by a figure moving quietly between the trees, a long cloak of moss green fabric drap over their lithe form and hiding their face in shadow. They rolled up their bedroll and packed up the remains of the cmp. No fire had been lit due to the heatwave rolling across the land which has scorched the earth dry. The blossoms had long faded from the many trees leaving only crisp leaves which had browned to early in the domineering heat of the sun, overbearing the sky. The figure approached their horse who was grazing idly nearby on whatever could be found to eat. The horse raise it's head at the approach and smorted gently disturbing the still dawn air.

"Hush, Faremane, we will be there soon" They said and saddled the horse ready to leave. They had one last look around the lonely campsie but it looked as though noone had ever been there. they gazed wistfully back in the direction they had come, then in one graceful movement, mounted their horse an set off determindly for Camalot.


Merlin sighed in delight with a small smile playing on his lips as the hot wind ruffled his hair. He stood upon the parapet leaning on the ivory walls of the Camelot castle. He was enjoying the freedom of the late morning sunshine as he had been up since dawn running errands for Gaius. In the courtyard below he could see the knighst finishing their training for the day but he was disappointed to not see the figure of the man that he was interested in seeing amongst them.

Suddenly, as he was lost in his wondering thoughts and peaceful calm state of mind he was seized from behind by a strong and armour clad pair of arms.

"Ahh!" Merline cried as he wriggled ineffectually at his attacker, an attacker who he now realised was laughing heartily at him. Merlin felt a blush inflame his face as he was spun around and realised it was Arthur emprisoning him in his embrace.

"Merlin, don't be such a girl!" he smirked and swooped down to plant a kiss on the very tip of Merlin's nose. Then he was gone and Merlin fel the burning sun on his face once more.

"Come on Merlin, you need to get me out of this armour" Arthur called over his shoulder. He reaced for the door but before he could lay a hand to it it was flu g open from the other side by Sir Leon.

"Sire! Come quickly!" He said then disappeared once more into the aparture. Arthur threw a concerning glance over he shoulder a Merlin and followed Merlin hot in his heels.

They reached to courtyard just a stranger in horseback arrived wearing a long cloak and a hood that shaded their face from the sun, but also from view. The horse was a large palomino; the rarest of all horses, and it's coat was ruffled and sweaty in the heat, as if from a long ride.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" commanded Sir Leon from the steps. The rider cast bak their hood to reveal themselves.

"I am Isabella of Haepsfleet." She proclaimed tossing her hair over her shoulder. it caught the sun and shone like a river of molten metal flowing down her back in delicate auburn waves.

"What buisness have you in Camelot?" quizzed Sir Leon. Isabella of Haepsfleet dismounted her patiently waiting horse and strode towards the knight with purpose. She had been taught like all women of her town, that a woman had as much right to hold court with nobles as any man.

"I am here to seek the aide of the king. My town is under seige from a Chimeara which we cannot defeat alone." She declared her voice strong.

Even standing on the staps below Merlin thought she stood tall with a proud tilt to her chin. Her delicate elfin features were marred with dirt, and she had a clean cut on her cheek that he could tell had been treated with some skill. Her embossed leather jerkin was wellworn but her shirt underneath was torn and frayed in places and her riding breeches were clearly high quality but had seen better days. Her boots were caked in mud. Sir Leon looked to Arther for confirmation and he nodded, she would be llowed to see the king. Merlin's eyes followed her as she passed and she caught his eye and offered him a small smile. She had regal bearing so Merlin was surprised that she paid him any mind, him being a lowly servant. He felt a blush creep into his cheeks in response.

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