BOOK 3: Chapter 19

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A/N: This is the last book! I hope you guys like it. I'm working on a new story too so watch out for thafter His Love finishes!


Summer had come to Camalot with bright days and green foliages on all of the trees in the town and in the woods surrounding the town. Lambs grazed in the peasant feilds. Baby birds were fledgeling in the woods with the plethora of other infant animals that werealso growinging away from being young and beginning to frolick by themselves.The citadel and its surrounding fields buzzed with excitement and bee: respectively.

Inside the walls of the castle, plans were well underway for the christening of their new prince: Balither. He had been born to the Crown Prince Arthur and his husband. Merlin, and he was having his naming ceremony on midsummer, a powerful and holy day. Servants were decorating the thrown room with bunches and bunches of flowers, covering every surface and filling the air with their sweet perfume and ribbons hanging from the pillars and rafters.

Merlin and arthur were in their chambers, and the brilliant summer sun was beaming through the window and filling the room with a glow and warmth. It played with Arthur's golden hair and dappled his skin bronze in its luxuous glow. Merlin sat taking in the sight of his husband in the morning light with Balither on his lap as Arthur preened over his outfit. Raised a peasant, Merlin was still unacostumed to clothes for anything but necessity's sake, but his husband could be wonderfully vain about them at times and loved dressing up; something he seemed intent to pass on to their son.

"Stop fussing Arthiur, your beautiful" Merlin said and his husband looked away from the looking glass to smile at him.

"I just wanted to look my best for our son's special day. You should get drassed too!" Arthur said and Merlin pouted and look down his chest at himself. He was dressed! Before he could protest the blonde man interrupted him:

"Speaking of which, I have a present for Bally!" his face was beaming in an excited smile but Merlin was slightly hesitiant as Artuhr's gifts never seems to be quite right for a baby. Last week he'd brought him a bolt of fine silk to make clothes from and doesn't seem to realise most of his clothes become stained within hours.

"Close your eyes, Sweetheart, I want this to be a surprise." Arthur said walked over to his closet and routed around. Merlin closed his eyes and sighed at his husband's ridiculousness.

"You can open them!" Merlin could hear the smile in Arthur's voice. He opened his eyes. And paused.

Arthur was grinning broadly and holding up a baby sized full suit of armour, completed with a Pendragon red cloak. Merlin was stunned. This is not what he was expecting. He didn't know what do say. He blinked several times. He opened his mouth to speak, and then thought better of it. Merlin took a moment and then tried again.

"Arthur, I am not that sure that a suit of armour is appopriate for a three months old baby." He said slowly and not wanting to hurt the Prince's puppy-dog like grin.

"You haven't seen the best bit yet!" Arhtu exclaimed bravely and from behind his back he whipped out a miniature replicer of Excalibur. He smiled widly. Merlin raised his eyebrows and decided to change his line of attack, remembering that tact was often lost on the price.

"No we are not giving him a sword. He cut his face on his own fingernails the other day" Merlin said firmly to Arthue.

"It's a dulled blade!" portested Arthur.

"No." replied Merlin. He stood up with the baby sage in his arms.

"I just wanted something special for him" said Arthur, forlawn.

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