Chapter 21

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"Gaius!" Arthur called as he entered Gasus's chambers with Merlin still hanging off his arm. He'd been trying to avoid Merlin's roaming hands the entire way through the city with some luck but not complete success and as a result was looking rather ruffled. Even though it was hus husband, Arthur wasn't sure Merlin really knew what he was doing, so he didn't want to even consider taking advantage, no matter what adorably hurt huffs of protest Merlin put up, that made Arthur's heart constrict at the knowledge he was the cause.

"I thought we were going to your room! I think my mum knows Gaius, isn't he old? I mean, I'm not one to judge if that's what you're into, but i'd rather have you all to myself..." Merlin tailed off, trying again to pinch Arthur's bottom. Arthur let out a startedly squeak as they walked into the old man's chambers, catching Gaius' attention.

"Sire? What can I do for you?" The elderly man said raising a critical eye at Merlin who appeared to be glued to Arthur's side and gazing at him wickedly.

"Something is wrong with Merlin. I need your help" Arthur blushed and wriggled away when Merlin's hands disappeared under his shirt.

"So I see. I suspect this is the result of Morgaus's curse. Who knows what she might have been trying to acheive with this!" Athur pushed Merlin into a chair and commanded him to stay put with a glare. Even in his altered state, Merlin got the message and remained seated, stairing at Arthur which was unsettling in its near familiarity. Gaius was beginning to inspect Merlin thoroughly, looking into his eyes and ears and the back of his throat with his magnifying glass as Merlin sat quite happly swinging his legs and smiling at Arthur, wiggling his eyebrows indecently to make him blush. Arthur, he felt wisely, stayed out of arm's reach, just in case. After some poking and proding with various instruments: none of which could break Merlin's gaze from Arthur, Gaius step back and sighed.

"Sire, I fear he been has ensorcelled by the witch Morgause. I'm afraid there's nothing physical wrong with him sire. The magic ha altered his mind, and it will likley require magical intervention to return Merlin to his normal state." Arthur had expected to hear this though he was not happy to.

"And there is no other corse of action open to us?" Arthur questioned Gaius, hoping the physician may be able to offer a magical solutoin.

"This is beyond my capabilities I'm Afraid sire. It will take mor magic than I am capable of" Gaius shook his head sadly. Merlin looked from one frowning face to another, smiling.

"Now can we go to your bedroom? This examination has given me some...ideas" He asked Arthur, and winked to show him just what kind of ideas he could have gottne. Gaius chocked in surprise and stared at Arthur with wide eyes in shock at Merlin's Shameless behavious.

"No Merlin!" Arthur said rarther louder than he meant to, in his embarrassment. Gaius cleared his throat and changed the subject back to Merlin's cure, which Arthur was greatful for.

"Sire, there is one more option available to you, though it may be be partucularly helpful it may still be worth trying, if it may affect Merlin's cure." Arthur looks at Merlin exasperatedly.

"What is it, Gaius? I will do anything, he must be returned to normal. I need...I need my Merlin back" Arthur exclaimed, desperate for the return of hims husband. Arthur's voice cracked with emotion and he looked away from from the grey haired man in embarrassment. Gaius paused for a moment in doubt. He looked at his former charge with his eyebrow raised who was currently staring at the Prince in a way that his mother would be ashamed of and made up his mind.

"You could ask the Great Dragon." he said cautiously. Arthur blinked at him blankly. It was Arthur's turn to pause.

"The Great Dragon?" he repeated.

"Yes, he's in the bowels of the castle." Gaius explained, helpfully.

"I know where the Greeat Dragon is!" snapped Arthur. He was unsure of how to proceed, but, looking over at his husband, knew he had to.

"It's just, he doesn't like me much." he stated nervously, to Gaius.

"No, I can't imagine he does." replied Gaius wryly.

"Or, Merlins, probably- given than his father..." Arthur trailed off with a vauge hand gesture.

"Oh, no, he's bloody annoying," pipped up Merlin cheerfully. Arthur stared at him and Merlin stared back.

"You're glorious and golden, you know? Is the rest of your hair as beautiful in candle light?" Merlin asked finally with a glance at Arthur's breeches.

"That's enough, Merlin. Thank you for your help, Gaius. Is there, uh, a proper way to adress a dragon? Mighty and terrible?" Arthur turned to Gaius for help, having never met with the Grat Dragon before. He glanced at Merlin who was staring fixely at Arthur's lower half with a smirk on his face.

"As I understnad it sire, Merlin used to say 'hello' when he was feeling polite" Gaius replied knowledgably.

"Right. Of course. Come on, Merlin." Merlin's eyes flicked up to Arthur's face and he brokeout it an adoring smile and jumped off the stool and immediately pressed up close to Arthur's front.

"Where are we going now? I'll go anywher with you, all the way" Merlin said huskily in Arthur's ear as he ushered him out of Gais's rooms and down the stairs.

"We're going beneath the cstle" Arthur said, flushing birgt red again as he tried to avoid Merlin's roaming hands.

"OH" Merlin breathed and suddeny he we crowding Arthur into an alcove in the corridor.

"Are you taking me to the dungeons? Have I been a bad boy?" Merlin pouted and tugged Arthur's hips forward.

"NO, Merlin! We're going to see the Great Dragon" Arthur said firmly putting his hands on Merlin's shoulders and holding his at arm's length. Merlin's frinned brightly at him again.

"We don't need to go anywhere for that!" He said, and with a golden flash of his eyes, Arthur breeches dropped to the ground.

"But I can still go down and see him it you want." Merlin finished with a wink.


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