Chapter 4

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Merline awoke the next day in his bed to a shaft of sunligth streaming through the window and hitting him in the face. Dust motes danced gently in the light and the sounds of early dawn drifted through the window. Birds were tweeting the dawn chorus and he could head people start to move around as they started their days. He had slept badly that night, tormented seemingly every time he closed his eyes by dreams of Arthur and Isabella on their wedding day or mocking him from afar. Sighing he pulled himself from his thin matress and readied himself for the day ahead.

For the first time in months, he was running late to awaken Arthur, it had been a task that had become a joy since they had confessed their feelings to one another, and Merlin cherished the experience of watching Arthur, who was usually so alert with soldierly instinct, droopy eyed and sleep muddled. But today it felt as though heavy lead weight were strapped to him body as he reflected on the day before. Isabella was charming, he could see that, but Arthur seemed to have fallen head over heals for her, putting on his most charming personality and face which she pocked holes in with quick jabs of wit. He hurried to the kitchens, tying his neckacheif as he went, to collect Arthur's breakfast. He tried to put the events of the previous day behind him. He carried the plate of meet, cheese and fruit to the crown prince's chambers and entered without thinking to knock, as had become his habit.

Arhthur was already up and trying futilily to dress himself, he squirled around frowning at the intrusion, ready to give the interloped a pieace of his mind, only to break out into a broad smile upon seeing Merlin. Merlin's heart skipped with hope.

"Breakfast! Excellent put it on the table Merlin and come and help me with this ridiculous shirt" Merlin placed the breakfast plate on the table before Arthurs seat and went to help him He'd tried to put his head through an arm hole and was in danger of tearing the shirt to ribbons. He removed the shirt from the danger and tried to ignored the smooth tanned planes of Arthur's chest as he rearranged it and presented it to him in a way he could use.

"I wondered where you'd got to Merlin" said Arthur as he took the shirt from Merlin.

"Sorry, I overslept" replied Merlin not meeting Arthur's eye. Arthur's head poked through the head hole to reveal his winning smile and Merlin felt the ice around his heart begin to thaw.

"See that it doesn't happen again. I was on the verge of organising a search party." Arthur's tone was light but Merlin could tell that he meant what he said about his timekeeping.

"It's was no good having to wake up alone. I like having you be the first thing I see each morning." He said flirtatiosly as he reached towards himbut Merlin moved away around the table and gestured to Arthur's breakfast plate.

"You should eat." he said. Arthur frowned at the cold response to his advances, they'd become so close in the past months. Arthur looked at the plate of food and noticed it seemed much sparser than normal. Merlin wasn't sitting either, he was busying himself around the room tidying. In recent months Merlin had taken to bringing him a large breakfast so they could sit together and share it. It was the only meal of the day that they were free to eat together and it had become important to both of them.

"Alright Merlin, what's the matter?" he said as he sat at the table and crossed his arms on the surface ignoring the food in favour of watching merlin with a confused look. Merlin continued to tidy the chambers. He gave a tight and sade smile.

"Nothing." Merlin lied picking up Aurthurs dirty clothes and placing them in a laundry basket. He stil didn't look at Arthur as he feared one look and he would break down in tears. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Arthur to another even one so charming and beautiful. Arthur could hear the lie in his voice, he had tried to brush it off with their usual banter but it seemed Merlin was unreachable. Arthur felt a stab in his chest at Merlin's pain. He stood and approached him.

"Merlin. I can tell somethign is wrong. Please tell me." Merlin continued to move around the room avoiding Arthur's eyes until Arthur reached out gain and place his hands gently on Merlin's arms and he stilled, but still did not meet his eyes. Merlin's resolve broke like a damn at his touch. He dropped the shirt he was holding and began to cry wordlessly, tears trickling down his face at first until he found himself sobbing. Arthur was appalled and softly pulled the other man towards him and held him against his firm chest as he cried arms tight around his waist. Merlin mumbled something into the fabric of his shirt.

"What?" Athur said unable to hear him clearly.

"I don't want to lose you!" Merlin said through his tears. Arthur pulled back slughtly in surprise and stared at Merlin with an upset look.

"What do you mean lose me? I'm not going anywhere Merlin and if I am you're coming with me" he sad gently as he cupped the other man's jaw in his hands.

"I've seen how you look around Isabella I've seen how your father has been looking at the two of you. He'd have you married tomorrow if he could" sobbed Merlin.

Arthur relaxed a little and smiled at Merlin.

"He can want to marry us all he wants it doesn't mean I'm going to marry her. Merlin Isabella is a lovely lady, she is charming and funny and she seems damn brave..." Arthur was interrupted by Merlin's sniffling.

"You're not helping!" he cried.

"...but she's not you." Finished Arthur. Searching with his gaze for Merlin's eyes as he smilled sadly. Merlin sniffed and gave a watery sile than brought joy to Aurthurs heart.

"Oh Arthur, how could I have doubted you?" Arthur reached up and brushed the tears from Merlin's cheeks with his thumb.

"Because you're an idiot" He said and brought Merlin's face to his for a kiss.

"But you're my idiot" He whispered when they parted and Merlin chuckled.

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