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So today, I was having an okay day...nothing crazy or 'fun' had happed. That is until my third period rolled around.
I have a good time in that class cause one of my funniest friends is in that class and so we always end up laughing our asses off.

Today was practically a free period cause we finished our work quickly.
Anyways, it was half way into the period and she says, "I'm thirsty...." Which I reply with "Drink something."  Now I (for no apparent reason) managed to tune her out for the most important part of her explination. She then she proceeds to dig into her backpack and pull out what I believe is a water bottle.

She asks me to touch it.

And me not know what is even going on grabs it and to my surprise the plastic isn't like a regular water bottle.

You see normal water bottles have thin plastic but this one had plastic 500 million layers thick.

So I told her to open it.

That was a mistake...

Remember whe I said I tuned out the important part?

Yeah...if I didn't do that I woyld have known that what was in the bottle was actually SPRITE.

Now those of you that know basic science know that Soda obviously is Carbonated.

When you take the top off of a bottle of soda, the pressure inside the bottle decreases and goes to the same pressure as the atmosphere. ... If a soda sits out for a long time eventually all of the carbon dioxide will turn to gas and leave the soda flat.

But if you leave it in your backpack all day, shaking your bag...Co2 becomes compressed.

As a result when she twisted the cap the pressure was too much and the bottle exploded.

It wasn't until after we had a laughing fit that I asked her what was in it.

"Sprite" she simply said.

If I had known the contents of the bottle I would have told her to open it outside of class....

Yeah...No I wouldn't have...

Weird shit I say or hear at schoolWhere stories live. Discover now