✧::tsurugi kyousuke x reader |1|

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Hey guys! I'm glad that your still here, Tsurugi Kyousuke will be the first example of my 2 shots so stay tuned!

Anyway, this is part 1 as you can see in the title there is a (1) over there, that's your indicator on which part are you!



Third Person P.O.V.

As a soccer player, they usually need a lot of sleep because of practice and matches, especially if you're now known in the world, but not on Tsurugi's case.

Normally, he goes to bed late and then gets up a couple of hours later while it's still dark. When he ends up sleeping longer, it's generally because of him being exhausted from the previous day.

The fact the morning sun is currently trying to pierce its way through his eye-lids told him well enough that this is one of those instances, which is not really a surprise-yesterday he was 'accidentally' hit by Tenma's hissastu shoot a lot of times but oversleeping is not unexpected; he has even taken two days-off so his body could rest and recover.

'Ugh... That guy could now seriously kick' Tsurugi grumbled in his thought.

Therefore, it is not surprising when the first sensations that come to him upon him regaining consciousness are the heavy feeling of fatigue and ache in his body. Though what is unexpected is the tinge of restlessness in his limbs, his tired mind taking a moment to realize its source is currently snuggled against his back.

Warm and hot breathing was felt through Tsurugi's back, it makes Tsurugi's tired mind pause as he's fairly sure he went to bed alone. However, his inner sense of mind assures him the other person is not someone to worry about.

Tsurugi groans and turns his head, opening his blurry eyes to gaze at his bed-companion.


"Morning Kyousuke" [F/N] chripped sweetly at him, she places soft kisses on her husband cheeks. The woman's lips stretch into a wide smile after she pulls away, "How did you sleep?"

"Not long enough..." Tsurugi responded tiredly as he lets his head roll back into its previous energetically-much-less demanding position, the player still feeling the strain of yesterday's practice in his body. "You?"

"I guess it's fine" [F/N] chuckled softly, clearly not feeling much guilty about waking him up instead of letting him do so on his own. Then again Tsurugi doesn't really mind her doing so.

"I was out for an early grocery when I took the route home, yours was really close, I hope you don't mind me crashing in" [F/N] stated with a sly grin

Tsurugi exhales lightly, closing his eyes again at the demand of his tired body. As if he ever sees [F/N] showing up without announcement as anything else than as a pleasant surprise. "At this point, you practically live here anyway."

"True, true" [F/N] laughed,

The warm contagious sound that makes the corners of Tsurugi's own mouth twitch ever so slightly. Though he's honestly too tired to let them lift into a full-blown smile.

However, just as [F/N]'s laugh subdues and Tsurugi feels like he's going to drift off to sleep again, [F/N] unexpectedly places a hand onto his shoulder, pushing it to roll him onto his back. Tsurugi snaps his eyes open just as his partner settles atop of him, one peachy white leg at each of his sides and one soft hand at both sides of Tsurugi's head, his and [F/N]'s face now only inches apart.

There's mirth and playfulness sparkling in the [E/C] eyes and mischievousness tugging at the fawn lips when [F/N] asks, "Though considering how rudely I woke you up maybe you'd like some compensation?"

The question is underlined by one of the soft hands moving to roam over Tsurugi's torso, and a soft nip to his sensitive ear.

"So what do you say?" [F/N] says as she uprights herself again, once again with lips pulled into a grin that promises so many things if only he lets himself be swayed into some morning fun. "Ready to rise and shine?"

Tsurugi snorts in amusement at the innuendo. Why he's not surprised that's the one [F/N] picked? "Me? Quite." Tsurugi lays his hands on the ever-so-slightly moving hips to stop their pleasant but distracting rocking. He appreciates [F/N]'s enthusiasm but he is still feeling quite weary; he'd probably fall asleep on [F/N] if they did anything. "My body? Not so much."

[F/N] stops her movements for the moment. "Yesterday was really tiring?"

Tsurugi sighs. "Very."

"No wonder you slept so late," [F/N] muses aloud, giving a snort. "Seriously, that must have been one hell of a practice you guys had, I bet Shindou is still being treated by his maids."

"You have no idea," the player replies in a somehow exhausted tone, his response a figure of speech rather than anything else; he knows well that [F/N] has her own fair share of awful experiences-mostly because of her part-time manager of the team, and helping her mother in the hospital.

[F/N] then pushed Tsurugi backed to bed, then curled up against his chest, "Let's stay here for a while, I guess I'm a little tired now"

Tsurugi only hums in response as he goes back to sleep.




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