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"Tori have you seen my- Nevermind." Jack laughs as I hand him the exact shirt he was looking for. He puts it on and twirls around, showing me his outfit.

"Yes or no?" He's wearing black pants that rip at the knees, red converse, a black shirt that has boner written in red, and his hair was messily fixed with the blond stripe shining proudly.

"Yeah, it suits you." He rolls his eyes, laughing. He ruffles my hair and messes it up. 

"Jaaaaack." I groan, trying to fix it.

"It's been a while since I've heard anyone moan my name." He winks at me and I punch him in the arm.

"You and alex have hardcore anal every night, don't lie." He shrugs.

"No we don't!" Alex yells from the other room.

"Unicorn!" Jack and I both yell at the same time. 

"Shut the fuck up!" Rian yells loudest of all, causing us all to burst out laughing.

"Don't you guys have an interview at 3?" I asked and Rian runs into the room, his eyes were wide.

"It's 2:36 and i am NO WHERE NEAR READY!" He stood there with a towel around his waist and his hair was dripping everywhere.

"I figured you'd forget so i planned ahead like the mom friend i am. Go put on the outfit I picked for you last night, its on your bed." I smile and he runs off, accidentally dropping the towel.

"Rian what the fuck?!" Zack yells, i assume he saw the disastrous sight.

"You guys are gonna give me a headache with all this yelling." I groan, sitting down on the coach.

"You love us." Jack sits beside me, checking twitter.

"Who's that?" I ask, being nosey.



"Yeah, none of ya business."

"You're a significantly large asshole."


"I hate you."

"I love you." He smiles, showing me the profile of the person I asked about.

"He's cute." I say and he laughs.

"He's insane."

"He can't be worse than you."


"So what's so great about this Awsten dude, anyways?"

"I can't believe you just said that."

"I'm serious. I don't really know much about him other than the fact you have a huge crush on him."

"Mega huge. Like my-"

"If you finish that sentence with cock i am ending myself."



"Listen to his band, Waterparks. They're pretty cool. You'd like them."

"We'll see." I get out my phone and search the band waterparks on YouTube and find their oldest album and start there.

"Alright, I'm READY." Rian enters the living room wearing the outfit i picked.

"Cute, but your shirt is inside out." I point out.

"Fuck." He fixes it and i give it a thumbs up.

"Alright guys, load up." Alex says, grabbing his keys and walking towards the door. I grab my camera and follow the boys.

"Emo 2000s playlist or something else?" Alex asks, grabbing the Aux cord.

"Is that even a question?"

The song starts. The sudden G note makes us all scream and cringe. Welcome to the black parade. Too soon man. Too soon.

"CHANGE IT NOW YOU FUCKING SINNER!" Jack whines. Alex changes the song and throws his hands up in defeat.

The car ride to the venue was a huge mess of screaming and singing along to songs and the random air guitar from Jack. Eventually we arrived at the studio.

During the interview I was taking pictures and trying to stay out of shot.

"Our photographer, Tori, could answer that question." Jack says, smirking.

"Son of a..." I mumble. "What am I answering?"

"Who's my celebrity crush?" He asks and I laugh. 

"You love Katy Perry but lately youve switched lanes and fell for the park dude."

"Awsten?" Rian asks and i nod.

"Yeah, Jack looooooves him. I can't blame him, he is cute."

"Aww." The interviewer laughs some and continues asking them questions. I give Jack a look that says "I'm gonna murder you when we get done".

I put my earbuds in and pressed play, continuing to listen to Waterparks. They weren't bad. They were actually really good.

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