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"I can't believe you talked me into watching these movies." Awsten whispers to me, shuddering at the sight of blood on the screen. We were watching all of the final destination movies because they had never seen them, except Geoff.

"I can't believe you've never seen them." I whisper back and he jumps as an accident happened.

"It's just a movie, you're fine Awsten." I reassure him and he nods, snuggling down into the couch. The current line up was Geoff and Jack on the beanbag chairs, Alex on the left side of the couch with Awsten in the middle and me on the right side. Rian, Zack, and Otto were all sitting on the floor in front of the couch. They had made a pillow pallet to chill on so it was all even as possible. I really needed to invest in more beanbag chairs apparently.

I look at my phone to check the time. 8:39pm. I look up at Awsten to show him and he sighs.

"We've gotta leave an 10 for bus call." He says.

"It's already late, you're welcome to stay the night." I suggest and he looks down at me.

"Are you sure? You've already done so much for us all."

"I'm not gonna make you walk back to the bus at 10PM. That's a twenty minute walk in the dark in the city of Baltimore. That's just not okay. You can stay, I'm sure."

"Okay." He texts Jawn, the band's photographer and friend to tell him what's happening. He also texts Geoff and Otto to tell them instead of yelling over the movie. They all agree and Jawn says it's fine with their manager as long as they aren't late to bus call tomorrow.

"Are you SURE it's okay?" Awsten asks and I nod. He smiles and throws his arm over the couch. I take the opportunity to slide closer and lay my head against his shoulder. He smiles, pulling the blanket we were sharing over us more. I felt peace with him.


"Okay maybe I didn't think this through all the way." I say, looking at the large group of boys in front of me. I was used to ATL staying and we always made it work but now there's 3 more people.

"Jack and Alex can room for the night, Rian and Zack take the second guest room. Otto, Geoff, and Awsten, rock paper scissors for my bed. Two of you get it and the loser gets the couch." I decide and leave the boys to play and figure out who gets to sleep where.

"What about you?" Otto asks and I shrug, grabbing the bean bags and throwing them together into a general blob shape of comfort.

"I get beanbags." I grab a blanket off the side of the couch and throw it over the bean bags. Boom. Easy bed.

"I'll take couch." Awsten says and Geoff and Otto just shrug, agreeing with the decision. Alex raises an eyebrow at me.

"Is that fine with you?" He asks and I nod. Alex doesn't question it.

"I just have one rule." I say and the boys all listen.

"Absolutely no cheeky butt sex in any of the beds. Especially mine."

"Oh god of course not." Otto says laughing. I look at Jack and Alex and narrow my eyes.

"I mean it."

"We know, mom." Alex says and I look at Jack for conformation.

"We know." He says and I nod.

"It's settled. Alright uh, bathroom is down the hall, my room is over there, boys you know where the guest rooms are." I say walking into my room to grab pajamas. I grab a pair of black joggers and an old T-shirt before going into my closet to change. I come back out and put my hair into a bun and take off my makeup. I walk back out into the living room and plop down on the beanbag blob, getting comfortable. 

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