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"Welcome home." I say, unlocking the front door. The kids step in and look around, taking in their surroundings.

"For now." Awsten adds, closing the door behind us. The kids turn to face him, a scared look on their faces.

"God sake, Awsten. We're moving into a bigger house so you two won't have to share rooms." I explain and the fear fades away. I turn to Awsten and give him a glare. His eyes widen and he speed walks away.

"Anyways.. For now, you two will share a room until we figure out this whole situation. Okay? The house is usually calm and-"

"HEY BITCHES!" Jack yells, bursting through the door. I sigh, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Children are present, Barakat!"

"Oops." He laughs some, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Willow, Levi, meet Jack."

"Correction, Uncle Jack." He says, waving at the kids.

"Y-You're.. You're Jack!" Levi chokes out, eyes wide.

"You must be Levi." Jack smiles. Levi runs up to him and hugs him tightly. Jack hugs back, looking at me confused. I pointed up at the ceiling fan and he glanced up, understanding what I meant.

"It's nice to meet you dude. I love your shoes." Jack says as they pull away from the hug. Levi quickly rubs his face to hide any possible tears or blush.

"T-Thank you. I love you- your- your hair!" Levi stutters, a blush creeping across his face. I smirk some. Oh this will be an interesting conversation later.

"And you must be the lovely little Willow!" Jack cheers, picking up the small girl. She stares at him, frowning some.

"Your nose is funny." She says.

"Willow!" I say, looking at her in shock.

"Your teeth are crooked." Jack replies.

"Jack!" I glare at him.

"You're funny. I like you." Willow nods in approval, looking at Jack. He smiles as she hugs him.


"If you finish that sentence I will END you." I glare at the door and Alex stops in his tracks.

"Sorry mama bear." He apologizes, laughing.

"Mama bear?"

"It fits." He says, looking at the kids. He tilts his head.

"I thought you wanted one?"

"Package deal." I smile, looking at Levi who faintly smiles back. I motion my head towards Alex and Levi's smile grows as he walks over to meet another one of his idols. It made my heart happy.

"Where are the others?" I ask Jack and he shrugs.

"One minute we were all on our way and the next thing we know Geoff was doing a U-turn in a four lane." Jack explains.

"Lovely." I laugh, sitting at the counter beside Awsten.

"Are you okay?" Awsten asks, looking over at me.

"I'm in bliss." I smile, looking at our crazy family. I was so proud of everything we have created for ourselves. We weren't perfect, but we were perfectly inperfect. Our family wasn't blood, but stronger than that. Our family had everyone from every background. It was perfect for us.

"Me too." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

"WHERE'S THE BABY?!" Otto yells as he enters the house with Grace following behind him.

Powerless {A.K.}Where stories live. Discover now