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"Are you sure about this?" Otto asks and I nod, sipping some of my blueberry Boba tea. 

"I feel weird sneaking around to see you guys without him here." I say and he sighs.

"I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"Don't worry Otto, I'm fine. He couldn't hurt me if he tried." I say, looking over at his mango boba.

"Switch?" He asks and I switch our drinks, taking our straws and switching them as well.

"Much better." He says, sipping some happily.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice says and we look up. Awsten stood there with bright blue freshly dyed hair and a smile on his face.

"Yep, it's for Lord farquad sorry." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"M'lady, may I request this placement at the table?" He fakes a British accent and I laugh, nodding.

"You may, my good sir." I say, mimicking the same voice. He sits across from Otto and I as Geoff returns from the food court.

"Geoff did you seriously buy 6 sushi rolls?" Otto says, pulling the tray over to look.

"Mine!" Geoff says, protecting his food.

"Geoff there's no way you'll be able to eat 6 entire rolls."

"Don't underestimate me, Tori, I fucking love food." He says, laughing some.

"So what's the plan for today, weirdos?" I ask and Otto smirks some.

"Is there a secret organization I am unaware of? How rude." I say and they all laugh some except Awsten. He seems about as clueless as I am.

"Well we don't have to do anything today with our record label so we were thinking about hitting the beach for the day. It's not every day we get to hangout with our best buddy in LA, no offense Awsten." Geoff says and Awsten frowns some, acting offended.

"How about White Point? Waves there are pretty good." I say and they stare at me, confused.

"You can surf?" They all ask in unison.

"Yeah. Ever since Alex, Jack, and I moved to LA, I've been taking lessons and really exploring things." I explain.

"What's it like to live here?" Otto asks and I smile.

"You'll see."



I stare out at the beach in front of me, watching the waves. It was peaceful. It was still early enough in the day that the beaches weren't completely packed so it was just us and a scattered few. White Point wasn't nearly as popular as other beaches and I was fine with that.

"Are you coming?" Tori asks, placing her hand on my shoulder as she walks up beside me. She was wearing a black muscle tank with a red bikini top underneath. She wore white waisted shorts to cover her bottoms. Her hair was in a pony tail with a red bandana wrapped around her head.  No makeup on. She was stunning.

"Y-yeah, sorry." I say and she smiles, pulling my hand some. I trail behind her, carrying the blue surfboard she let me borrow. She proudly carried her black board and stuck it in the sand next to Geoff and Otto's. Geoff's was neon green and Otto's was a soft yellow.

"Where did you get all of these? Aren't they super expensive?" Geoff asks, looking at his board.

"Discount surf shop. 150$ a piece. Same board was 600 across the street. I figured if I die I die with at least a little money in my pockets." She says, laughing some.

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