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"Good morning thiccalicious" I say when Awsten answers the call. He immediately starts laughing, confused.

"Good morning to you too." He says when he finally calms down. I loved hearing him laugh.

"So, you're still here for 2 days, correct?"

"Mhm." He yawns and it's quiet for a moment. 

"Can we video chat? I wanna see you." He says breaking the silence.

"I look gross."

"I do too. Let's be gross together."

"Nasty." I giggle, opening the video chat. He smiles. His hair was a mess and he was wearing his glasses.

"That's adorable." I said, smiling.

"Ditto." He smiles back even wider than before.

"What are you up to today?" I ask and he pauses for a moment, looking at the whiteboard next to him.

"I think all we have to do today is just do a bus invaders video for Digital Tour Bus. That'll only take like an hour at most." He yawns again, rubbing his face.

"It is pretty early still. I'll leave you alone so you can sleep."

"Nooooo." He whines and someone slaps him.

"Fuck Geoff! It's too early!" Awsten slaps him back and rolls over in his bunk.

"Anyways. We aren't doing much today. Why?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to do a thing."

"A thing?"

"Mhm, a thing."

"Do I get to what the thing is?"


"Let's do the thing."


"Is this the thing?" Awsten asks as we walk towards the large building. He had a blindfold on and I refused to let him look yet.

"Yes this is the thing. No peaking, just trust me." I say, pulling him to the left some. I was walking backwards holding his hands to guide him. We were standing outside the front entrance now.

"Okay, ready?" I ask and he nods, smiling. I take off his blind fold and his jaw drops.

"You brought me to an aquarium?!"

"Yes, yes I did." I smile and back away some so that he can look around and get the entire view. Baltimore's Aquarium was insanely impressive. It held some of the largest tanks I've ever seen.

"This is fucking incredible!"

"Awsten, children!"

"Oh yeah." He giggled.

We made our way to the admissions office and I paid for the passes before Awsten could get the chance to argue. I handed him his pass and we began our walk through the massive Aquarium.

"Oh my god..." He says as his eyes widen. He looks at me for conformation and I smile, laughing some.

"They have literal fucking dolphins!" He whispers excitedly.

"Yes they do. Go check them out."

He grabs my hand and we speed walk to the dolphin tank.  It was kinda hard to keep up with him because he's tall and fit. I'm definitely neither of those things.

We walk into a dark room with just pure glass on the other side. The room was lit by blue lights and the light shining through the water from outside.

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