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"Toooooorrrrrrrriiiii!" Alex yells, dragging my name out as he runs through the house and bursts into my room, falling onto the bed beside me. I was currently sitting there on my laptop working on editing pictures.

"Yes Love?" I say and he rolls over to lay on his back, looking up at me.

"Lisa is gonna be here in 20 minutes!" He announced excitedly.

"You know the rules, no parties, no fucking in my bed, and don't drink all my fucking juice." I say, laughing. 

"Of course. Can we fuck anywhere else though?"


"I haven't seen my wife in 3 months, I have needs too you know." He frowns and I roll my eyes, playfully.

"Such a needy little twink."

"The twink is Jack."

"I'm not a fucking twink!" Jack yells from across the hall.

"You are a little bitch though!" Alex yells back.  It's quiet for a moment before Jack bursts into the room, flopping down onto the other side of my bed, laying in the same position as Alex.

"It's official, I'm a pimp."

"And we're your bitches." Alex says, laughing. 

"Im a strong independent bitch who doesn't need no man." Jack announces and Alex glares at him.

"You just complained about being single like 5 minutes ago."

"Wait what? What happened?"

"I broke up with her." Jack says, scrolling through his Twitter feed.

"I thought you liked Allie?"

"I did. But she didn't like me. She liked sex and money, but not me."

"Aw, I'm sorry doll." I say playing with his hair some.

"Don't be, I'm fine." He smiles some, looking up at me.

"Wait, don't you leave for Houston later?" Alex says and my eyes widen.

"What time is it?" I ask and Jack checks.

"3:14. Why?"

"My flight leaves in an hour and I'm still not fucking packed!" I yell, jumping up to grab my suitcase.

"Shit! We'll help." Alex says grabbing my camera bag and begins to pack it.


"Hi Lisa! Bye Lisa!" I say, quickly hugging her before running out to the car. I quickly put my stuff in the backseat and toss Jack my keys.

"Hi tori! Bye tori!" She says back, giggling.

"Call us when you land, okay? Be safe!" Alex says, wrapping his arm around Lisa. Rian and Zack were fake crying.

"I will. I love you guys." I say, opening the car door.

"We love you too." They all say in unison. Jack and I get into my car and start the journey.

"I can't believe im letting you drive. If you crash my car I will murder you." I say, turning on the radio. Pierce the veil was playing.

"I'll take care of her, I promise." He says, turning the radio up. We rock out the entire ride to the airport. It wasn't a long ride but it felt like a century. Part of me hated leaving him, leaving them, my family. But the other part of me was screaming for the adventure and the new memories I would make with the parx boys.

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