Chapter 1

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It was another rainy day. Just like the one yesterday and the day before that.. and the day before that. To be honest it didn't have to actually rain for me to call it a rainy day. Life just felt dull, acting like a lens through which to see the world. Everything felt dull. It sucked because it showed through my paintings and I was trying so hard not to show others how uninspired I felt. But I couldn't hide how this unending cycle of rainy days affected my soul. I usually stuck to my regular grey and blue color palette for my oil paintings. Not only was it the only thing I could afford now that my family kicked me out for wanting to pursue my art, but it was also the only colors I felt I could use given how I felt on the inside. I felt stuck. Stuck here in Daegu, stuck living the same life I brought upon myself, stuck relying on others just so I could eat that day. My heart longed for more. My heart longed for color. My heart longed for love, for the chance to pursue the art for which I essentially traded my own family. My heart longed for a place where all people understood me as an artist. My heart longed for Paris.

At least I had Yoongi to help me get by with day to day needs like food and shelter. I was so lucky to have met him that one night when he saw me alone and welcomed me to his home. By home, though, I mean the basement of Building 134340 which was abandoned decades ago. Life wasn't easy, but it could have been worse.

"Taehyung-aaah, it's time to go home. Clean off your hands pabo, let's GO." Yoongi ripped me out of my sultry thoughts with his light joking.. at least he was trying to make me laugh. I cleaned the dark grey paint off of my hands with the one cloth I had and put the rest of my supplies back in my backpack. "Taehyung-ah, you are the most talented artist I have ever met. Not everybody can make people feel something with just paint and canvas. One day someone will notice you, don't even worry any more." Yoongi said, but I didn't believe him. Another day went by without selling any art. It was the fifth time this week. How was I going to get to Paris at this rate?

Kyra POV

It was another rainy day...

It literally would not stop raining outside for some reason, who knows! It's about 4:30am, the time I usually wake up to get to work on time. You see, the stakes are really high at work right now. I had been working my intern job for three whole years when I got the head talent agent's coffee order wrong one morning and she "noticed my long legs". I was elated when she signed me on, but she only gives me the smallest jobs with no exposure. Today I have to do a photoshoot for a children's milk ad.. kill me now. Well, no matter the job, I'm happy to have one. I've worked hard to get to where I am and I think I'm happy, right? At least with this job I can support my family, after all they are providing the roof over my head and the food at the table. And snacks. Always more snacks. Not that I eat much anyways...




Update- the milk ad sucked. I had to wear this ugly cow costume but it was pink for some reason. Pink! Nobody is going to buy this brand of milk, I wouldn't! Maybe I should just go back to school and get a business degree. Maybe then I can move up the ranks at the company rather than do milk ads every other week.


"HYUUUNG the most AMAZING thing happened today!!" I ran to Yoongi. "SOMEONE BOUGHT THREE OF MY PIECES"

"They did WHAT?"


Yoongi's mouth stood open and his eyes widened, not blinking. "ahAAAhA is it enough for your plane ticket?"

I flashed my box smile so wide, my eyes were forced closed! I opened my backpack and took out the paper to show Yoongi. Even though the ticket was smaller than half a sheet of paper, I worked so hard to get it and it became a symbol of hope for the future. Here we go- PARIS!

Kyra POV

"PARIS?" my mouth hung open for so long, a fly could've entered, "Can you repeat that.. p-please?"

My boss repeated with his slight lisp, "Darling, you're going to Paris Fashion Week!!" he made sure to make a slight pause in between words so I could understand, "You will be modeling famous Korean high fashion designer Jung Hoseok's newest collection 'Hope World'! Congratulations sweetie, I know this is a huge change from the milk ads but the board really thinks you deserve it."

"H-hope W-world? Me? Jung Hoseok? Like THE Jung Hoseok? His pieces are LEGENDARY I-"

"He wanted a diverse collection of models and you, darling, fit the criteria. Pack your bags, darling you leave next week."



Hi ARMYs:) This is my very first fanfiction and my very first AU! I was inspired by Tae's love of art mainly, so this fic is focused on art for sure. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Follow me on insta- @/ mybtsphotobank

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