Chapter 16

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Kyra POV

"It's nothing, Namjoon."

The limo ride was very tense.

"Kyra, please, babe, tell me what's wrong? You've been looking forward to this event for so long. You look so beautiful. Please tell me, what's bothering you?"

I just wasn't ready to accept it yet. I kept looking out the window, just trying to keep myself from breaking down. Now was not the time. Everytime I saw Namjoon in the corner of my eye, the tears would make their way up behind my face. I couldn't even look at him. It would just remind me of what I saw.. him... that girl...

After I saw him with the stylist, I ran back down the hallway and to the lounge area where I had been waiting for him previously. I couldn't believe Namjoon had been cheating on me. And all those times he wouldn't tell me where he was going?? I should've trusted myself that something was wrong. Stupid!

So when he finally joined me in the lounge, what I had been fantasizing about came true. He did tell me how beautiful I looked many times. His reaction was great. He kissed me on the cheek softly. It's just that... all of it meant nothing to me anymore. Nothing.

A single tear escaped.

Quietly, I took out the tissues from my purse and lightly patted the tear away, trying not to mess up my makeup. I felt so broken. And the cause of my brokenness was right there in front of me.

I just want this night to be over.


I can't wait for this night to begin!

I've been planning this since last year's Worldwide Gala ended, so I'm extremely excited to get this show on the road.

First, we'll have everyone arrive to the red carpet wearing Hoseok pieces to show off our wonderful designer of the year. Then we'll all move inside the venue to watch the dancers and musicians collaborations. At exactly 9:30pm we will have Taehyung give his speech presentation about his exhibition. Everyone will then move to a time of observation as the musicians play background music. Ok, looks like everything's in order.

I whispered to Jungkook who was sitting next to me in the limo, "Ongoo-ah, you don't have to take notes on what I say tonight, okay? I want you to step up and talk to all the guests with me this time. Be respectful, use honorifics, ok?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Kim."

Oh, baby gguk. Little did he know I was training him to take over my company one day.

He makes me so proud.


"Taehyung-ah.. This limo is... really nice. Wow." Yoongi hyung said.

"Yeah, Jin really went overboard hiring all of these limos to pick up all of the guests." I replied.

I sat on the right side while Jimin and Yoongi sat next to each other on the left side, arms hooked. I was deep in thought, thinking about how far I've come. What I went through to get to this point. How I started on the streets of Daegu, rejected and afraid. And now here I am, on a limo ride to the Worldwide Gala to showcase my art loved my many. My heart was again so full, thanks to all of the people who have helped me get to this point. And to think both of those men were sitting right across from me right now.

"Wow, guys, I'm just so grateful for you two. For Yoongi hyung, for believing in me since the beginning, for taking me under his wing and taking care of me. For coming all this way to support me, for all of your guidance. And Jimin too- for being the most caring, thoughtful person in my life, for taking me under your roof so many months ago even though you didn't know me, for helping me out of the hole I had dug for myself. You guys are my family. I just- I just love you guys so much."

I started choking up a little there at the end. I could tell Yoongi was too because he used his hand to wipe his eyes lightly. Jimin stood up to come sit next to me.

"I love you too, Taehyung. You deserve this." he said as he hooked arms with me and put his head on my left shoulder, nose tucked in my neck.

"We have arrived." the driver announced.

A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry it's been a while since my last update, but here's a quick set up for the red carpet next chapter! I added a little Jinkook in there for the feels:) Honestly Jin is JK's dad, so cute. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! follow me on insta -> mybtsphotobank

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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