Chapter 8

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"Um.. Jimin-ah? Are you awake?" I whispered as I crept into his dark room. He had a lamp on that illuminated the room just slightly. It was already 3am but I couldn't let another night pass without apologizing to him. It's been a few days since we had our fall out and I just feel guilty. Walking to work became really awkward compared to our usual happy strolls. Instead of waving back at me when I saw him across the street dancing, he would ignore me and look the other direction.

Jiminie just wanted the best for me, and he just wanted to make sure I was healthy. But instead of appreciating that, I snapped at him. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the bed where his sleeping figure started shifting. I sat on the bed next to him.

"Um.. Jimin-ah, I know it's late, but I just wanted to get this off my mind as soon as possible. You don't even have to open your eyes, but just please listen if you can..." I cleared my throat. I could see his face in the lamp's light and frowned. I could tell from his puffy eyes that he had been crying. I saw the tear stains on the pillow he had been hugging. I did that to him. This is my fault.

"I've been an awful person. Not just an awful person but also an awful friend. I've been selfish, obsessed, insensitive. I went too far in mentioning your family.. I don't know what happened with them, and you don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable. But anyways you know I'm always here if you need to talk to someone about it." I started playing with my thumbs.

"I do know you were just looking out for me. Thank you for all of the food too. Please know that I really appreciate you. You are one of the most caring people I've ever met, and I'm so beyond lucky that you of all the people in the world found me on the street that one night. You remind me of my Yoongi hyung so much: caring, thoughtful, loving, supportive, passionate." I saw him stir a little. I knew he could hear me now. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "Wow I'm mumbling. Haha ok." I tried to wipe away some of the collected tears.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is.. I'm.... I'm truly sorry, Jimin-ah. Cheongmal. I'm just really sorry. I've spent too many sleepless nights afraid to say this, but you deserve a much better friend than me. I hope you'll forgive me one day... I understand if you won't or can't, but.."

"Tae, shh." Jimin cut me off as he placed his small finger on my lips as he sat up. He said tenderly, "Stop crying Taehyung-ah. I already forgive you." My tears were really falling at this point as I buried my head in his shoulder. He brought his right hand up to hold my head. I could barely hear him whisper, "I love you so much, do you know that?"

"I love you, too."

Kyra POV

Wow, he's really cute. Highly attractive. Look at his dimples! The way his eyes shine in the sunlight.. That gorgeous smile? But not just that, but his opinions on the world? 10/10! This man is really the ideal man every girl wants. Suaaave. We love a confident man, don't we Kyra?

"So what do you think?" Namjoon took my out of my thoughts. It had been a couple days since I first met him at Worldwide when he had asked me if I wanted to "grab some coffee" with him. He picked me up at my hotel. He was a complete gentleman- opening doors, car doors, using respectful language, paying for my drink. The usual. I'm definitely interested to say the least...

So far on the date, he told me he came from a rich family in Ilsan, but moved to Seoul to make a name for himself. He cut himself off from his family's money completely and started as an underground rapper when Kim Seokjin found him and signed him on. Respect for that! I loved learning more about him.

But I was so lost in admiring him that I forgot to listen to what he was saying. Uh oh. He saw the blank expression on my face.

"HahAH.." he has a cute laugh. "I was just saying how UNICEF is starting a project for providing safe water to children in Syria. A great idea, don't you think? It's so important that the people who are fortunate enough to have, give."

I wanted to say yes. I wanted to tell him how one of my goals in life was to work for a non-profit supporting children. I wanted to tell him that if I weren't a model, I'd want to be a UNICEF volunteer. I wanted to tell him about my service trip to Africa. I wanted to tell him how much I loved children and how much my heart ached knowing that there are children in the world who have to walk miles just to have safe drinking water. But the only thing that came out of my mouth was...

"HEheheh.. Yeahhhh."


A/N @-@/ hello!! I'm back with some fluffly vmin for you all:) My hearteu!! Also, can you imagine going on a date with joon? Haha I promise Kyra/Joon's relationship goes deeper than this lol! Sorry guys, life is getting busy, but I'll do my best to keep updating! Thanks for reading! Stay tuned and follow me on insta @/ mybtsphotobank !! <3<3<3

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