Chapter 5

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Kyra POV

"Hey Siri, google maps to Montmartre Artist Square, please" I know Siri was just a robot's voice on my phone but I still liked to be polite. Also, when my mom suggested 'montmart' a couple of days ago, I had no idea how to spell it, if I'm being honest.

"Mapping route to Montmartre Artist Square." Oh so THAT'S how you spell it.


I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have Jimin as my roommate. It was something about his protective nature while still maintaining his softness that made me grow so fond of him. And he was an extremely talented dancer too. He said his parents sent him to a french arts school at one point, but he seemed to get really sad after that conversation, and I don't know why. I don't know why he couldn't continue french arts school either, like why was he a street dancer now? What happened with his family? Did they outcast him too just like mine did? Maybe one day I'll ask him, just not.. not today.

"Jiminie kaja!" I said as I called him to follow me outside. He ran behind me and hugged me from the back.

"I feel it in my bones Tae! Something amazing is going to happen today!" Jiminie lightly said into my ear as a huge smile crept up on his face.


We had a nice stroll down to Montmartre as usual. The morning sun peaked out of the tops of the antique french buildings as we tried to maneuver our feet through the cobblestone streets. When we arrived at Montmartre, I said the usual 'annyeoooong' to Jimin and he went to his post as I went to mine. I started unpacking my paint supplies.

I had been working in French Man's stand for the past couple of days, and I really enjoyed it. I had such great practice painting different subjects, and I loved the positive attention my art was receiving. Some nice tourists would even tip me on top of the cost of the portrait! This way, I was able to compensate Jimin on living in his apartment, finally, and buy some groceries from the monoprix.

I really shouldn't be complaining because this life far exceeded that of Daegu, but I still felt like something was missing. Sure I was painting whoever showed up at the stand, but was I really making this art for myself? Was this really the life I wanted- painting for the sake of duty rather than inspiration? My thoughts were as so.

That is, until my eyes were captured by the sun's reflection on a passerby's hair pin. I looked up to find that she was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon. It was the way her lips outlines her bright smile, the way her dark brown hair glowed in the sunlight, the gentle slope of her nose, the way her eyes fit perfectly on either side of her perfectly shaped nose. As she flipped her hair, the golden sunbeams reflected off of her silky locks. I have never in my life seen perfection as this.

She noticed my eye contact- perhaps I was staring for too long- and started walking up to my mini art exhibition. 'Omo.. MY art?' I said under my breath. My heart began to race, my palms started sweating, I started blinking faster with each step she took towards me. She was the epitome of beauty.

Kyra POV

Once I arrived at Montmartre, I immediately started looking for a keepsake to remember my first time here in Paris. I wanted something that symbolized the hardships I had to endure to get to where I am today. I wanted something to help me remember that it wasn't easy getting here, something to remind me to keep working hard no matter what the future holds.

I started walking towards the very first stand that caught my eye. There was a table with little trinkets on it. These trinkets were a huge contrast from the extremely colorful trinkets on the table beside it. Something instantly drew me to the simple but elegant lines of this small Eiffel Tower shaped ornament. It was the Eiffel Tower, but it was somehow longer and more slender. It was painted with grey and blue tones, but the way the painter painted it made it look like it was sparkling. "What a work of art." I said under my breath as I examined it.

"It's yours, madame."

A low, husky voice coming from right in front of me caught me by surprise, and I jumped back a little. But in the process of jumping back, the trinket fell from my hand to the hard cobblestone ground and broke completely in half!

"I AM SO SORRY, I can pay for this, please don't-"

"Really, don't worry about it. It's an easy fix." The low, husky voice now had a face. A beautiful one at that. His eyes had a depth to them that captured my attention. My eyes widened in a mix of shock and embarrassment as I picked the pieces up and handed it to him.

One thing definitely felt different... his hands were cupping mine... and I liked it. It was electric, yet it was warm. It was comforting, yet it was uncomfortable. Our eye contact continued. His almond shaped eyes were so meticulously sculpted and his skin was a warm honey color. I could tell his shoulders were broad even under his cardigan. Our hands lingered together for a moment too long. I looked him in the eyes while pulling my hands away, trying to giggle away the situation. My hand naturally went to pull my hair behind my ear as I looked down in embarrassment and timidity.

"I- I'm really sorry.."


She is *really* beautiful.

I am at a loss for words. I just know that I haven't stopped thinking about her since our encounter today. I was so surprised she chose my trinket over french man's trinkets. I didn't really think my trinkets would ever sell, so I just made them for fun. And to think that the most beautiful woman in the world found my own art beautiful? This is the biggest compliment I have ever received.

After I glued the two halves back together, I made sure to sign the trinket on the bottom left foot of the tower:


I want to remember what she looks like forever. I can't believe I don't even know her name. can't forget her. She is the essence of the beauty that transcends all human comprehension. She is the most beautiful creature in the world. She is the definition of perfection and there is no picture that can capture her beauty. There's one thing I know for sure- I've found my Muse. 

A/N AHHHH Our tae tae has finally found inspiration for his art<3 Stay tuned to see what happens next.. hint hint: it's not good. Follow me on insta! @/ mybtsphotobank Borahae!

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