Chapter 14

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Kyra POV

'I opened my eyes this morning knowing that tonight I would be attending my first red carpet event: the Worldwide Gala. Ever since I became the official face of Hope World, I had been invited to so many fashion events, but none of them had a red carpet like this one. Worldwide Gala was the event of the year where only the best of the best talent is showcased. Hoseok was Jin's chosen designer showcase this year, so that's why I was invited. Joon is coming with me as my date! I'm very excited. And grateful. Oh Kyra, how far you've come.' I finished my journal entry with a cutesy twirl of my pen.

The stylist was finally done with my hair. It was an intricate updo, my long locks pinned at the back of my head in a beautiful swirl. Pearls adorned almost every inch of my hair, and short ringlets were let out on either side of my face. My large gold and pearl earrings were noticeably pulling my earlobes down, but I was used to all of the wild jewelry Hoseok made me wear.

"Madame, your gown." the stylist said playfully as she turned me around to see what she was holding up on a hanger. She has been my hairstylist ever since I started modeling for Hope World, and she already knows my funny quirks, what I like, she even knows about the sensitive spot I have in the left side of my scalp that she is always careful with. She is my age, so we both are very casual around each other. Hm, maybe we should grab coffee sometime. "I think you're going to love it, Kyra!"

This. Dress. Was. Beautiful.

This was a huge contrast from the pieces Hoseok usually makes. This one was all one shade of green. It's flowing royal green skirt draped from a tight waste to the ground in a purposeful design, as if every billow was planned yet still had movement which highlighted my hips and long legs perfectly. And the slit that went all the way up to my hip would probably do that too.

Hoseok really outdid himself. I couldn't wait to try it on.

I couldn't wait to show Namjoon!


I was drying my hair from my shower. Not to be dramatic, but today was the day I'd been preparing for all my life. All of those nights on the streets of Daegu, all of those life lessons from Yoongi, all of the hardships I faced being outcasted from my family, raising money to get to Paris, the countless portraits I made for money, the countless hours I spent working on my exhibition.

I was just so thankful for everything. For everyone. Even my family, because without them hurting me, I would never be where I am. For my muse. Even though my obsession with her became completely unhealthy, I'm glad I saw her that one fateful day. Without her, I would have no exhibition, no inspiration. With the help of Jimin, someone else I'm so grateful for, I was able to finally let go of my obsession and find the theme for this exhibition: Butterfly.

Butterfly isn't just about beauty. It's the art of letting go, the art of being free from earthly idols and muses. Obsessions. Butterfly is about acknowledging beauty, but being able to let it go without holding on to it too tightly. If you squeeze a butterfly too hard, you will break its wings and it will die. This is my letting go of my Muse. Today was the day.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my candy red hair was really something else. I dyed it red for the Worldwide Gala, via Jimin's suggestion, thinking it would be a good outward expression of the blood, sweat, and tears I put into this exhibition and of how far I've come. Jimin kept his blonde hair and Yoongi his dark brown. I put on my floral dress shirt and light pink suit given to me by Seokjin to wear for tonight. He said some designer named Hoseok designed it for me after looking at my art. Apparently, he was a big fan. I'm flattered! Hopefully, I'll meet him tonight to give him my thanks in person.

After one last check in the mirror, I went to the living room and-

"OH? WHAT is going on in here??"

Jimin POV

Yoongi pushed me off of him and on to the floor.

"AH Tae I can explain!!!" Yoongi hyung and I just finished getting ready a little early and-"

"Um? It looks kinda...I just... I didn't know you swung that way is all... I mean I kinda....I?.. both of you..Yoongi?" he was struggling for words.


Well, this is awkward.. hehe.

I mean, Yoongi wasn't lying. Yoongi hyung and I really did finish getting ready early, and we were chilling in the living room for a while. Really, we were just on our phones! Then Yoongi said he thought he put too much cologne on, so he asked me if it was too much. So NATURALLY, I leaned in to his neck to just get a whiff, lost my balance and toppled onto him, but then BOOM, Tae walks in at the worst time!

It's silent for a few more seconds, all of us exchanging glances. Suddenly, Tae breaks out in a booming laughter. Thank goodness...

"Fellas is it? Ah nevermind- hahah! Oh you two. I'm so glad you guys are here!" Tae said as he took both of us into a big group hug.

Nevermind? I like that word... maybe I should tattoo it permanently on my skin and not tell anyone about it but wear really loose shirts to make it obvious that I have it.

A/N: I SWEAR THAT TATTOO IS REAL. When is jiminie going to officially tell armys?? Anyways I'll probably edit that last part out later, but whatevs it's there haha. Here's some yoonmin too lol. IM DOING A DOUBLE UPDATE FOR HOBI DAY so expect one more chapter today!!! It's my beautiful bias's 25/26th birthday today, so it's a party for the next 48 hours haha! Thanks for reading, everyone! insta-> @/ mybtsphotobank 

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