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ps reader you're a bit of a bitch at first :)


Your soulmate mark seemed to always taunt you, it was smaller than any of your friends. It was a simple flower, one that could be easily be doodled by a child. You knew that you were supposed to be happy that you even had a mark at all. You knew various people that their skin was a blank slate, empty and devoid of knowing that they didn't have another part to their soul. You just hoped you'd never have to meet your soulmate.

A sigh slipped past your lips and you laid your head down on the counter. The aroma of the sickly,sweet flowers filling your nose. It made your stomach roll but your stomach also immediately lurched as your wrist burned with heat and bright light burst from your mark.

The bell on the door rung signifying a customer was entering. "Fuck fuck." You quickly ducked under the counter , grabbed a cloth and frantically tried covering your mark. "Um, hello?" The voice rung throughout the shop which immediately caused you to jump up and hit your head on the counter.

"Ow, fuck! Fucking counter." You must've startled the person more than they did you because you heard a yelp. You rubbed the back as your head as you stood up. "Haha, so how may I help you?" Your voice came out slightly cracked as you awkwardly acted like nothing happened.

The female slightly laughed with you, "Um, do you have a bouquet to give to someone you used to love then now despise because-"

"I didn't ask for your life story."
The two different colored eyes blinked in shock back at you. The female looked like she was about to ever breakdown or claw your eyes out. You ran your fingers through your hair, "I'll be right back with your bouquet." and you walked into the backroom.

Ignoring the pulsing burn in your wrist, you grabbed at flowers. Their meanings daring to burst out into your hand. Columbine, abandonment. Basil, loathing. Purple hyacinth, regret. Iris, a message. Yellow rose, decrease of love. Some of the petals had fallen off but you figured it added character.

You made the flower arrangement and proceeded back to the counter. "That'll be 20$." The tanned girl pulled a 20 bucks out of her pocket and you gave her the bouquet.

You watched as she glared at you then proceeded to angrily walk out of the shop. Once you made sure that she was out of your sight, you collapsed to the floor. Today was going to be a long day.

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now