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chapter contains slightly descriptive vomiting and self harm.

You awoke with harsh breathing and your heart thudding in your ears. Your dream was fuzzy in your memory but if it was enough to make you like this then it was not good. Swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, you sat and tried to even your breathing. Then acid started burning in your chest and throat. You desperately stumbled to the bathroom.

Hands gripping the toliet seat tightly. You puked so hard that you felt your stomach cave even harder in on yourself. Everytime you thought you were done it just turned into dry heaving. Your hands were shaking and you felt like you were going to pass out.

Mind zooming a ton of different places and the thought you decided to land on was bad. Were you getting sick because of your soulmate mark? It was a terrible thought but ever since you started to maybe believe that your soulmate was actually good for you. It was just a lie you were telling yourself, after all you were just a sack of shit who didn't deserve a soulmate, right?

Before you knew it, you were trying to scratch your mark off your skin. Blood started welling up once you were more aggressive in your approach. "Just go away." You were sobbing, desperate breaths and sobs coming out of your mouth. "Please, please."

In one sudden movement, you were in someone's arms. Through your thrashing and blurry vision, you couldn't tell who it was. It wasn't until the soothing effect that only a soulmate could have made you calm down, did you realize who it was. "C-Catra? What, how'd you get in here?" Your voice was raspy from vomiting and crying.

"I picked your lock. I felt wrong and I ended up at your door. I-I guess I was right to come here." You ignored the fact that she picked your lock. You wrapped your arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. "(Y/n), we have to fix your arm." You shook your head frantically, you didn't want to let her go. She sighed then before you knew it, you had to wrap your legs around her waist.

"Where's your medical supplies?"

"Under sink." You muttered into her neck. You knew it was awkward for her to maneuver with you attached to her but you didn't want to let go. Once she got what she needed she set you down on the edge of the sink. "(Y/n), let me see your arm." You pulled the arm away from her neck and showed it to her.

Catra quickly set to fixing you up. "So um I'm not that best at this whole talking thing." She was obviously trying to make you feel better. "I'm not okay, Catra." You could feel yourself start shaking. "What-"

"I'm mentally unstable, Catra. If I wasn't then I could be happy. My sister would be happy but guess what? I'm not fixable. My parents were right. I'm just...I domt deserve anything." Catra didn't allow you to continue your depressing rambling.

"Me too. I have anger issues. Really bad anger issues. As if that wasn't obvious. Looks like we're perfect for eachother then." She smirked awkwardly at you.


"We can work past them together. We're soulmates, that has to mean something right?"

"Yeah. How about we try to actually get to know each other first before that? Erm we could go on a date or ya know something, sometime soon?"

"Sounds good." You two smiled at eachother, it was a start atleast.


a/n : i can't even tell if there's any fluff in here, shrug. n i said last weekend i would update but i got distracted by videogames lmao.
also i kept on having to restart this chapter becuz i couldn't figure out how to start it :c
so sorry if this is bad lol

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now