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When Perfuma said a welcome back party, you thought it would be warm and well, welcoming. This however was the complete opposite, the thick scent of booze and very obvious sex. It didn't help that you had to push through a very big crowd to find Perfuma.

When you saw the heavy blush on her face and the very obviously creepy guy trying to hit on her. Though before you could step in and sock him, Bow managed to magically appear. To calm yourself, you took a step back to try and take a quick breather which proved to be a bad idea.

 "What the hell?!" All the blood in your body froze, you recognized that voice. You hadn't noticed your wrist burning at all till then. Turning around slowly, you muttered a quick apology. Keeping your head down, you went to move past the girl.

"Hey!" Your burning wrist was grabbed as you were then slammed against the wall. You were met angry multicolored eyes. "Hi?" You said awkwardly with a totally charming smile. "You-you're from the flower shop! Is your fucking job to actually make people upset, huh?" Her breath was heavy with the smell of liquor.

"What, no!"

"Sureeee, you made me pay a lot for a piece of shit bouquet! And you spill my fucking drink on my brand new shirt."

"Maybe I just don't like you! You're the one who grabbed my wrist AND slammed me against this damn wall." You were already angry about seeing the random creepy guy hit on Perfuma. This though pushed your already sensitive anger over the edge.

"Catra?! What the hell are you doing to (Y/n)?" You looked over to see an very confused Adora. The girl-who was seemingly named Catra let go of your wrist in shock. She started to stammer something out which ended up being, "Uh um its our foreplay?!" You were pretty sure that the entire room went dead quiet.

"What?" Adora seemed to be ultimately confused. "Yeah, haha! Me and (Y/n) are very sexual soul mates!" You tried your best to look very, very happy but you were pretty sure that your rage was still do congealed underneath. "Oh, Catra! You're really drunk! Why don't we go back to my place?" Your tone was heavily overexaggerated, a heavy fake smile was on your face.

Catra blinked then the second that she processed the information, she grabbed your wrist and basically yanked you out of the party. Your exit signified a bunch of whoops and hollers. When outside, Catra let go of your wrist and sat against the brickwork. "So...what the heck was that?" You tried asking calmly.

"Do you mind if I smoke? Wait, I don't care if you mind." Catra ignored you and fumbled with her pockets till she had a cigarette and a lighter. You just shook your head as she started smoking and went to walk away.

"Hey, you might want to give me your number?"

"Why? Do you need help with the mess you started?

"You went along with it."

"Only because...fuck you! Ever-ever since you've showed up,my life has gone to shit!"

"Your life! Haha, everytime you're in my fucking vicinity, I-I get this damn burning in my wrist like you're my soulmate! No way in hell!" By now, Catra had gotten up and was in your face. Her breath stank terribly of now stale alcohol and the unpleasant smell of the cigarettes. "Yeah, totally no way." Your tone was not meant to come out as nervous and awkward.

Catra seemed to pick up on that nervousness and gave you a curious glare. "Do you know something?" You shook your head. "I don't have a soulmate?" It came out as a squeak. "Hm, then what's this?" Catra grabbed your wrist (for the damn 3rd time) and yanked up your sleeve. The mark was severely bright and when Catra brushed her fingers over it, it dimmed. "I wonder." Catra said in disbelief.

You jerked your wrist away from her and panicked. "You're-you're really drunk! Do you have anyone who can drive you home?" The totally fake "charming" smile slid up on your face yet again. "Catra! There you are." A very large woman with short white hair appeared and wrapped her arms around Catra. You took that as a cue to dart the hell out of there.

As soon as you near your apartment block, you stopped to take a breather. You had ran so fucking far. "Goddamnit!" You sat down on the concrete as tears slipped from your eyes. "I-I...please please please." Sobs wouldn't stop pouring from your mouth. You just knew that you couldn't repeat the mistake.


a/n : hope y'all enjoyed this terrible chapter. its slightly longer and i didn't take as long to write it! so yeah hope u didn't die from terrible writing :D

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now