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( i tend to try to keep my x readers gender neutral but the rest of this fanfic will lean a lot towards feminine characteristics n activities so i apologize if it upsets anyone !!)

When you had gone into the flower shop the next day there was various questions as to what had happened to your arm. You lied through your teeth saying you slipped and sprained it, just glad that blood wasnt showing through to call you out on that lie. Catra had said that she'd pick you up when you were done with work so you two could go out. It made you feel warm and giddy yet terrified. You could easily so mess it up but after last night, it seemed a little late for Catra to run away.

The day went slowly, probably because you wanted it to be over. Selling flowers didnt require much physical or social activity but you felt drained. Perfuma suddenly wrapped you in a hug and then proceeded to drag you to the back leaving Bow(since when did Bow get here?) to handle the front.

Bile hitched to your throat the second you thought you saw a gleam of pity in Perfumas eyes. You knew it wasn't once she wrapped you in an even tighter hug than Scorpias. "P-perfuma? Whats going on?" The blonde hair girl detached from you.

"Oh right! You just looked sad and well flowers are the best therapy!"

"Perfuma, I dont think they are-"

She spun you around and plopped you down in a seat. Perfuma got a suddenly serious look on her face. "You know you can tell me anything right like anything anything? Like like the fact THAT YOU HAVE A DATE TODAY!" She shook you by the shoulders hard.


"We need to get you readyyyyy!" She squealed and proceeded to drag you upstairs. Sometimes you didnt understand how Perfuma managed to live in a house like this but she made it work. Despite her having a literal flower shop below her, Perfuma's apartment had flowers and plants everywhere. How she managed to keep them all alive, you had no idea.

Perfuma was always leaner and taller than you. You werent even sure most of the stuff she tossed out of her closet and dresser would fit you. "Perfuma-a, you could just do my makeup." You tried to bargain with her, you really didn't feel like trying on a million outfits. "Oh and the rest of the girls are coming over too. Besides well Catra and Scorpia." She said as she pulled out more clothes, ignoring you probably on purpose.

You just sighed and flopped on the bed. About a few minutes later, a very large amount of people bursted through the door causing you to jump up. "(Y/n), we're gonna make you look bomb as hell!" Glimmer squished your face inbetween her hands. Before you knew it you were tossed between everyone and then sat down in front of what you assumed was Perfuma's vanity. Sighing, you asked if you take off the damn makeshift blindfold off.

"Well hm Catra said you-mHMPHM."

"DONT RUIN THE SURPRISE." Multiple voices said as Adora's complaints were muffled. You sighed yet again and prayed this torture would be over soon. Sitting in basically darkness and not silence was aggravating. You wanted to know whats going on but all you knew was that they were arguing what would suit you better.

When you were on the verge of falling asleep, the blindfold was yanked off and you were swerved to face the girls. A simple but cute (f/c) dress that was decently long was held in front of you. "Can I put leggings on underneath it?" You asked, hating the idea of wearing a dress at all. They gave you looks and you muttered with a pout, "Its cold out". You got eyerolls in return. "Absolutely not! We have to make Catra like drool when she sees you." Perfuma gave you an angry pout back. "Plus you gotta secure a jacket and you gotta be cold to do that." Glimmer said and got various nods in return.

Honestly sometimes you couldnt believe you were friends with these idiots but you loved them anyway. "Now go put it on!" The dress was shoved into your hands and you went to Perfuma's bathroom. Despite you disliking dresses, this one didn't seem too bad. It was decently soft when you put it on, not itchy or anything. The straps on it weren't tight at all either. You'd have to ask Perfuma where the heck she found such good clothes (most of yours were from cheap stores, food was usually a priority).

When you walked out of the bathroom, everyone was waiting and few gushes of awe slipped past some of the girl's lips. "Do I have to be blindfolded again?" You really didn't want to wait again or wear a blindfold. "No, we'll leave that up to Catra." Glimmer winked and you gaped at the pink haired girl with a shocked blushing face. Laughter filled the room. Unsurprisingly, you were shoved back into Perfuma's room so Glimmer could do your makeup. The only scary part about Glimmer doing your makeup was the amount of sparkles she knew she would use. Perfuma couldn't do quite makeup neither could Adora. Once again all you could do was pray, and this time you prayed that you wouldn't look like a whole clown.


When you opened your eyes to see your makeup, you were surprised. It wasn't anything too obvious but it made your less noticeable features pop out and you looked...good. Squeals of excitement came from Perfuma and she hugged you from behind. "I'm so happy for you! You look great!" Your best friend was smiling ear to ear. You turned around and looked at everyone. "Um thank you everyone, you guys didn't need to do this." You smiled at them. You got mixed replies of "You deserve it" and "Of course, it's no problem!".

Now all there was to wait and to be honest, you were really nervous. Though what could truly go wrong? It was just for you and Catra to get to know eachother better. You went to bite at your fingernails and you only just noticed that it was just you and Perfuma in the room. "Do you want me to paint your nails so you don't bite them?" She had a gentle grip on your hands, you whispered a soft "Please."

You and Perfuma sat in silence as she painted a simple plain gloss on your nails. "I get you're nervous but that's how I was with Bow." Despite neither of them being soulmates, they were dating and very happy. Sometimes you forgot they were even dating due to the whole soulmate obsessed thing Perfuma has going. "My nervousness was bad too due to the thoughts of if it not working since we were soulmates." The blonde haired girl stated. You blinked, you never thought about it like that.

You were lucky to meet your soulmate but you knew that that didn't really mean a thing. Your parents were soulmates but were pure toxic, it led to you and your sister growing up in an unhealthy environment. She was safe now and less scarred than you but still there was bad memories. "(Y/n), chin up. I can see you thinking bad thoughts." She smiled at you and rubbed soothing circles on your hands as the polish dried. "Perfuma, you're a great friend. I'm glad to have met you." You felt tears coming on but held them back, Glimmer would be upset if you ruined it (that was a lie but it gave you a reason not to cry.)

"Perfuma...what if me and Catra end up like my parents. Me and her aren't romantically involved as of erm right now and I dont know if we ever will be but I still don't want to cause pain for her." Perfuma grabbed a tissue and dabbed at your eyes. "(Y/n), you have to be one of the kindest people I know and you obviously care more about your sister than your parents did. I know they may have affected your personality harshly but that doesn't quite change your heart, ok?"
You held back a sob and let out a hard breath, wrapping your arms around Perfuma. "Thank you, you're the greatest." Your breath was uneven as you held back your sobs, your throat tightening.

She hummed and rubbed soft circles on your back. You really started to doze off again, holding back tears was tiring and dealing with all of the girls was draining too. "(Y/n), I'll wake you up when its almost time for Catra to pick you up so we can fix you up again before you go." You felt Perfuma direct you to her bed and as soon as you touched the soft pillows and blankets, you were out. The last thought on your mind was Catra and your guy's date.


a/n : 16 cups of hot chocolate later n i got the chapter done! its a little bit of a mess n ill have to go back n edit it at some point but as of rn im proud of it. next chapter will b the "date"! lets see how well it goes when i try writing pure fluff, i hope you guys enjoyed the mess of angst and fluff in this chapter n that u have a good day/night!

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now