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The day after the party, you got various messages of concern from your friends. You had to ignore them though, at least until your head was clear. Taking a deep breath as you walked inside of a very nostalgic place. "(Y/n)?" The young girl looked up at you. "Hey, Miss Ice Princess." You smirked as you crouched down to ruffle the easily agitated girl.
She slapped your hand away with a frown.

"You want to skate with me? I'm stuck with all those losers in the one class." Frosta tried not to be very obvious about her worry towards you but the glint in her eyes gave it away. "That's what I came here to do." You smiled at her, though it didn't seem to have a spark as it usually did. "Well, c'mon." Frosta's frown had deepened.

The ice was one of your favorite places to be. The glide of your skates and the occasional fall that gave a soft ache in your bones. Cooling air steadied you slightly. You missed it, it'd been awhile since you'd been ice skating.

Taking a moment to rest, you stood against the railing. To this day, it amazed you how fast Frosta learned how to skate. "Why are you in the beginner's class again?" You asked her, confused and curious. Her face turned a bright red and she stubbornly turned her nose up, "No reason other than that the jumps are too easy that I totally ace them up!". "Uh-huh, what don't you show me then?"

She froze on the ice and glided slowly across it. "I don't have anything to prove-" Before she could finish her sentence, you skated to her. "Do you need me to help you again?" A small real smile slipped onto your face. "Yeah." Frosta mumbled under her breath in a slightly "tough" voice. You smiled probably the brightest you had in awhile.

"You watching?" Hearing very quiet, "What the fuck else would I be looking at." then a louder reply of "Yeah.". You looked back at her and said firmly, "Language." You got an eyeroll in return.

Shaking your head in a mix of disbelief and laughter, you got ready to show Frosta how it's done. The soft sound of you landing echoed throughout the ring. "Yeah, fuck that." You gave her a stern look. "Yeah, frick that?" Now, there was a blank look. "Frosta, just try the jump and stop cussing!" You pouted at her. "Hmph, fine."

Frosta tried the jump again and again. She kept on landing wrong and you could see her getting frustrated. "Frosta, don't think so hard about it being perfect. Just do the jump." You were concerned but you didn't want her to give up. "One more time and then I'm done for now." Frosta stood up on her slightly shaky legs and took a deep breath. "Woo! Go, princess! You can do it." You tried to cheer her on in an attempt of hoping she could do it on her last attempt.

Frosta barely managed to stick the landing but she did it. "Yes!" You got overly excited which caused you to slip on the ice. After awhile of laughing and excitement, you two relocated to the benches.

"Um, (Y/n)...when do I get to move in with you?"


"I know, I know but I just can't stand only seeing you when you happen to just swing by here."

"I...Frosta, I can't support you like Gma and Gpa can. I'm not emotionally or financially stable. I don't want you to have to deal with another Dad."

"You're not like him! You would never hurt me."

"Frosta, you don't know that."


Frosta was trembling, either in anger and sadness, you couldn't tell. "Frosta, please." You tried to touch her shoulder but she took off. A sigh slipped past your lips. "She'll need time." Your grandma sat down next to you, startling you. "Gosh, you always appear out of nowhere." You laughed almost sadly. "And I know but how much? It probably doesn't help that she's on the cusp of puberty."

"How are you holding up, dear?"

"I found my soulmate and fate seems to want us to be together, badly..."

"You don't know that you'll end up like your parents. (Y/n), give your soulmate a chance."

"No. I can't afford to make mistakes when I have Frosta to worry about. If we ever want to live together, I have to learn how to survive without a soulmate in a world like this." You couldn't cry, not after how much you cried last night. "Tell her, I'll swing by soon and call her?" Your grandma nodded. With an even heavier weight on your shoulders, you exited the building. Life was really playing the cat and treating you like a mouse.

a/n : fluff? never heard of it. oh and basically if you couldn't understand what's going on.

your parents are dicks
Frosta is yo lil sis.
you're heavily fucked :D

BIG LOL HAHA fuck fluff

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now