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At this point, you should've been prepared for whatever the world was gonna throw at you. Though it didn't stop your heart from almost collapsing when you saw a very familiar female at your apartment door. "Fuck you, universe." You muttered harshly under your breath.

"Uh, Catra? Right?" The words came out as if it pained you to say them. She nodded and she almost looked angry, at you or herself, you didn't know.

"Do you need som-"

"Sorry that I freaked out about the whole you being my soulmate, I-I was already little upset." Catra's voice sounded almost strained and genuinely sorry. You gave her a soft smile, "Would you like to come in?".


Your apartment was a little cluttered, though it was just a ton of pillows, blankets and clothes tossed everywhere. "I uh like to be very comfy." You awkwardly stated as she looked around your apartment.

"Well do you want something to drink or erm eat?"

"Uh no thank you. I really just came to talk."

"About the whole soulmate thing?" You gestured towards your couch and she sat on it with a nod. "If we're really being honest, I-I think they're dumb." It came out as a squeak. Catra widened her eyes at you. "I mean you just want to start over and pretend we're not soulmates? I don't think I can love after.." She trailed off with a cough.  You raised an eyebrow in question and sighed, "Sure, we can start over and also pretend that this isn't my apartment we're in."

"Okay so ahem. I'm Catra and I've been known to be er over um...yeah just nice to meet you." You could see that Catra was trying really hard so you give her yet another soft smile. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you too, Catra."


a/n :
what's this? the shortest update ever after like 2 months.
sorry bout that lol
i got heavily distracted by videogames haha, the next updates will longer and hopefully more frequent

ily all and im truly sorry about the long wait :-;

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now