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Getting to know Catra was well intresting to say the least. She had a brash and irrational attitude but as you got to know her, it was obviously a mask. You could also tell who she really wanted to be with and it didn't really shock you. Adora always spoke of an unnamed childhood friend that she "lost" contact with and it was heavily obvious that it was Catra. You dont know if Catra managed to track Adora down or if everything was a coincidence(or well fate but you don't dwell on that part).

"(Y/n), hey!" Glimmer smiled brightly at you as the door dinged causing you to snap out of it. "Glimmer! What can I help you with today?" You leaned excitedly over the counter, helping Glimmer was ALWAYS fun. "I need something to keep Adora's mind off the one girl from the party." The purple haired girl sighed.

"I'm assuming you're going to take her somewhere and you need the most romantic flowers ever?"

"Yes, well no. Actually I didn't know what to do. I figured if I came here, you would magically give me advice like you always do." Glimmer spoke awkwardly fast with a slightly embarrassed blush on her face. "Well, I'm glad that I can help!" You beamed.

"Why don't you take her to that new cafe? Its not super popular yet but I bet it will be if the city's power couple goes to it." You gave Glimmer a wink and a grin. The purple haired girl bursted into a stuttering mess and looked absolutely shocked.

"We're-e not a p-power couple!! We're just your ordinary soulmates."

"Mhm, I sure beg to disagree. Well anyway you want a typical cliche bouquet of roses?"

"Ugh sure." As you went to grab one of the bouquets you already had ready, you heard Glimmer whisper under her breath, "One of these days, I'll figure out how to properly win an argument against you, (Y/n)." You tried not to laugh but you couldn't help the little smile.

"Well here ya go, Glimmer."

"How mu-"

"On the house."

"But! I-I..."

"No buts, just promise me that you and Adora will focus on yourselves for once."

Glimmer sighed and mumbled her agreement. You handed the bouquet and smiled gently at her. "Have fun!" You cooed at her as she was at the door. You recived the middle finger in exchange.

You glanced down at the counter and traced the lines that was on the material. The more you thought about love and soulmates, it was almost enough to make you sick. Besides even if you did have your soulmate, she was not interested in you in the slightest.

Its not like soulmates always worked anyway. Your parents didn't work and what if that bad luck continued on to you or even Frosta. Bile was rising in your throat and tears were pricking at your eyes. Rushing to the back and past an immediately concerned Perfuma.

You felt bad that you dipped out on the job that you swore to help Perfuma with-and oh god THAT was not helping. You just needed to go to the ring and take a breather then you would be fine(you tried to convince yourself).


You were glad that it was mid-day and a weekday otherwise you would've ran into your family. Though you were pretty sure who you saw at the counter was a friend of Catra's. As soon as the silver haired super buff girl noticed you, you swore that you were about to fly into another panic attack. Heat rushed into your body and oh god oh god, you couldn't breathe. All you wanted was some time for yourself but fate didn't give you a second to do anything.

"Hey, its alright." You felt strong arms wrap around you and whatever she was humming managed to calm you down(not alot but it was better than nothing). As soon as you felt air rush into your lungs, you sprung back from her. "S-sorry, thank you." Your face was red and your body was shaky but you felt better.

"Uh um, can I get some skates." You mentally bashed yourself for stuttering. "You're the owners granddaughter right? You probably know better on what to get than I do. Oh by the way, I'm Scorpia. Uh you might recognize me from the party and oh gosh I'm rambling again. Catra told me that I should work on that." She was absolutely adorable for being such a big woman and you gave her a small smile.

"I think it suits you. Don't change for others."

"Oh really!!" In a swift moment you were getting squished in a hug. "Uh ugh we Scorpia. Um breathe-"

"Oh sorry that's another thing I need to work on too." Scorpia looked like a sad puppy and you couldn't help but give her a headpat. As she brightened at you, it made you feel a little less like another panic attack was coming. "Well do you know how to skate? I don't mind a partner."
Immediately she protested, "No,I can see you need space but I'll be right in the back there if you need me."

You nodded then proceeded over to grab your skates. As you stepped onto the ice, you knew you needed to be careful. You were still a little wobbly from before. The more you got used to the ice again, the lighter you felt. You fell into one of your old and familiar routines. On the ice, nothing could stop you.

It wasn't till you finished one of your jumps that you heard clapping and an astonished grunt. You looked over to see Scorpia and Catra which caused to fall. Okay, maybe one thing could stop you.

You sighed as you inspected your ankle. It didn't look like it would bruise or anything, just be sore for a few days. Scorpia was apologizing profusely even after you told her it was okay.

"It happens. More often than you would think." You gave her a small smile. She had that sad puppy look again and you gave her yet again another headpat. Catra stood awkwardly in the back with her hands in her pockets.

Scorpia looked back at Catra and immediately switched moods. She darted to behind Carta and shoved her towards you which earned her a glare. The silver haired girl gave Catra a thumbs up then walked away.

The messy haired girl sighed and sat down next to you. She grabbed your hand. "Scorpia called me and told me that you had a panic attack. I've uh heard that a soulmate's touch can sometimes help." She had a flush across her face and you squeezed her hand in reassurance. "Thank you, it means alot." Now it was your turn to blush and give her a soft smile.

Just maybe it wasn't too bad to atleast have a soulmate, you just need to not catch feelings.


a/n : 1000+ word chapter after a few weeks lmao
hope you guys enjoyed, next chapter will be this weekend or sooner my luvs :)

[UNCOMPLETED] watch me bloom ( catra x fem.reader soulmate au )Where stories live. Discover now