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August 8, 2002

"But mom they were bothering her" I whined to my mom. I was met with a stinging sensation on my mouth. "What did I tell you about that whining boy" she said as my eyes watered.

"Sorry ma" I said then walked up the stairs to my room. She came up to my room after awhile of me crying. "What made you cut the girl's hair and then put gum in two other girl's heads?" She asked. I fiddled with my hands.

"Answer me" she demanded. "They put gum in her hair and I know that if it dried it be harder to get out" I said explaining why I cut Avery's hair. "One of the girls pushed her out of her seat and she hit her head" I said. "That was the same one that put the gum in her hair and the other one was just being mean to her" I said.

"So you decided to get them back?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay well stick up for your friend, but don't do things that can get you in trouble" she said then hugged me. "Sorry for hitting you in the mouth, but I need you to stop whining" she said. "Now go take your bath so we can go out to eat" she said.

I went to my drawers and pulled out my clothes then went to the bathroom. I ran some bath water and took my bath. I then put my clothes on and ran in the room where my mom was. "Where are we going?" I asked excitedly. "We are going to IHOP, I want you to meet someone" she said smiling.

"Ok" I said smiling. I ran out of the house and got into the car. I slid into my carseat and fastened myself. I waited for my mom and when she got in the car we started to head off. When we arrived at the IHOP, I noticed what my mom was wearing.

It looked a little fancy, but why is she dressing so fancy when she's just taking me out to eat. I'm pretty sure she'll let me meet her friend when we go back home. I want this time with her right now. And only her.

I walked in to the breakfast establishment and asked for them to seat me and my mom. "Aww he's too cute, how old is he?" The lady asked my mom. "He's four" she responded smiling. I don't get what's so cute with me wanting to be seated with my mom.

"Follow me" she said and we followed her all the way to the table. The lady put an extra menu down. I looked at it confused. After 5 minutes of me looking over the kids menu, someone walked up to our table and sat down next to my mom. Who's this man?

"Hey little guy, you must be Jahseh" the man said talking to me. I just stared at him and he cleared his throat and stopped talking to me. "Jahseh please be nice" mom told me. I'll do it for her sake.

The man lifted his hand and mom flinched. I wonder why. I didn't take my eyes off of him. "My name is Mark" he said. I don't care. "That's a nice name" I said with a fake smile.

Our waitress came over with the drinks we asked for and noticed Mark. "Would you like anything to drink?" She said taking out her notepad. "No, I'm good" he said.

"Ok well what would you guys like to eat?" She asked. I pointed to some pancakes, but Mark stopped me. "Its dinner time get something non breakfast related." He said and I was going to say something, but remembered what ma said.

"Umm..I'll have this meat thing" I said. "The steak?" The waitress asked for clarity. "Yes, the shteak?" I said. I never had it before, but it sounded cool and its different than pancakes.

My food got here and I ate it. Mark paid for the meal and we went home. I didn't talk to my mom for the rest of the night. That's our thing. Going out to eat and eating pancakes no where near breakfast time. It's what I live for.

He better not frick sh-I mean mess things up. Don't tell my mom I said that she might whoop me. I'm serious. I'm adorable I don't deserve to be harmed.

That Mark guy alarms me. Why did my mom flinch? What does that mean? He better not be hurting her. He better not put his hands on me.

Hope you enjoyed.

Why is this 4yr old so violent?

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See you guys later.

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